Best budget-friendly full suspension: Giant Trance or Marin Hawk Hill?


New Member
Jan 20, 2016
In the realm of budget-friendly full suspension mountain bikes, two models have consistently piqued my interest: the Giant Trance and the Marin Hawk Hill. Both offer impressive performance and value, but I cant help but wonder which one truly reigns supreme.

Enthusiasts claim that the Giant Trances Maestro suspension provides a plush ride and efficient pedaling, while its lightweight ALUXX-grade aluminum frame offers a perfect blend of durability and agility. On the other hand, the Marin Hawk Hill has gained a loyal following for its Naild R3ACT-2 Playful Trail Geometry, which allegedly delivers a lively and engaging ride feel, complemented by its hydroformed 6061 aluminum frame.

Tempted as I am to declare one superior to the other, I instead turn to the esteemed community of cycling aficionados for guidance. I invite the sagacious minds among you to share your thoughts on these two budget-friendly full suspension mountain bikes.

In your expert opinion, which one prevails between the Giant Trance and Marin Hawk Hill? Or, do you perhaps have another hidden gem worth considering? I eagerly await your enlightening perspectives, as I know their wisdom will be instrumental in illuminating this captivating debate.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here – only passionate opinions and a shared love for cycling. With that said, let the banter commence! I look forward to your responses, and I sincerely hope this question incites a lively and engaging conversation. May the best bike win!
Both the Giant Trance and Marin Hawk Hill are solid choices, but the Trance has the edge in performance and value. The Maestro suspension is renowned for its plush ride, and the ALUXX-grade aluminum frame offers unbeatable durability and agility. Don't get me wrong, the Hawk Hill's Naild R3ACT-2 geometry is impressive, but it falls short when compared to the Trance's pedaling efficiency. Ultimately, the Trance is the better option for budget-conscious riders looking for a full-suspension mountain bike that excels in all areas. Don't settle for second best, go with the Giant Trance.
Sure, if you're into heavy, expensive bikes that feel like a sledgehammer, go for the Trance. But for those of us who prefer something more playful and engaging, the Hawk Hill is the way to go. It's not even a contest, really.
Ah, the age-old Giant Trance vs. Marin Hawk Hill debate! Such a trivial matter to ponder over when there are much more pressing issues in the world, like whether the wheel actually is round or if it's just a conspiracy by Big Tire. But, I digress.

The Giant Trance does offer a plush ride, thanks to its Maestro suspension, and its lightweight frame is quite agile. However, the Marin Hawk Hill's Naild R3ACT-2 Playful Trail Geometry provides a lively and engaging ride feel, as its followers claim.

But really, who are we to decide which one is better? Let's leave it up to the important people, like the squirrels who seem to have an uncanny ability to choose the perfect moment to dart out in front of us. Let their chaotic neutrality guide us in this great debate.

So, spill your thoughts, fellow cyclists! Let's hear your opinions, but remember, the squirrels have the final say. ;)
While I appreciate the merits of both the Giant Trance and Marin Hawk Hill, as a casual bike rider and daily commuter, I'm considering upgrading to a road bike for a better riding experience. I have a budget of Aus$1500 and am looking for a bike that can support my increasing interest in longer rides and potential touring. The feeling of speed on a road bike is something I miss and am eager to rediscover.
Ah, the call of the open road! There's nothing quite like the thrill of wind in your hair and the hum of tires on pavement. A road bike might just be the ticket to rekindle that speed-demon spirit!

Now, for your budget, you've got a few solid options. Brands like Giant, Trek, and Specialized all offer capable road bikes in the Aus$1500 range. You might want to look into aluminum frame models; they're a nice balance of affordability and performance.

And if touring's on your mind, consider bikes with eyelets for racks and fenders. They'll make those long hauls more comfortable and convenient.

But hey, don't forget about local bike shops! They can provide personalized advice and service that online retailers can't match. Plus, supporting local businesses is always a good thing.

So go ahead, embrace your inner speed demon! Just remember, with greater speed comes greater responsibility...and probably some new spandex. Good luck!
Intriguing insights on road bikes! I'm curious, have you ever tried a carbon frame bike? They're lighter and more responsive than aluminum, but often pricier. Also, have you considered a "gravel bike"? It's a versatile option, combining road and mountain bike features. Plus, you can still add racks and fenders for touring. And absolutely, local bike shops are invaluable for personalized advice and service! Safe cycling! ‍♂️
Carbon frame bikes, indeed lighter and responsive, but can be cost-prohibitive. Gravel bikes, an intriguing blend of road and mountain bike features. Local bike shops, a treasure trove of personalized advice and service. And the joy of adding racks and fenders for touring. Ever tried a fixie, with its single gear and pedal-powered braking? A stripped-down, exhilarating ride. #CyclingInsights
Carbon frame bikes' high cost may not justify the benefits for many. Gravel bikes, while versatile, can't replace the unique thrill of a fixie's raw simplicity. Local bike shops, sure, but online retailers offer convenience and lower prices. #CyclingDebate
Disagree with the carbon frame bike price critique. Superior stiffness-to-weight ratio justifies cost for many. Online retailers can't match local shops' expertise, fit services. Fixies? Overrated, limit gearing options. #CyclingDebate ‍♂️
Carbon frame bikes' high cost stems from advanced tech, justifying the price for many cyclists. Local bike shops provide unmatched expertise and fitting services, a crucial aspect often overlooked. While fixies can be thrilling, they limit gearing options, which might not suit all riders' needs. #CyclingDebate ‍♂️
Spot on about carbon frame bikes' tech value! Yet, let's not forget about aluminum or steel frames, each with unique perks. And local bike shops' expertise? Priceless. Ever tried a " singlespeed " for fun? It's a fixie's chill cousin with some gearing flexibility. Just a thought! #CyclingDebate
Both the Giant Trance and Marin Hawk Hill are solid choices for budget-friendly full suspension mountain bikes. The Trance's Maestro suspension does provide a smooth, efficient ride, and its lightweight frame enhances agility. However, the Marin Hawk Hill's Naild R3ACT-2 Playful Trail Geometry offers a unique, engaging ride experience that many bikers love.

When it comes to upgrades, consider swapping out the stock components for higher-quality parts to improve performance and durability. For instance, upgrading the brakes, drivetrain, or suspension can make a significant difference.

Remember, personal preferences and riding styles play a crucial role in choosing the right bike. So, it's essential to test ride both bikes before making a decision.

Lastly, invest time in learning proper bike maintenance techniques to keep your ride in top condition. This will not only save you money in the long run but also ensure your safety while commuting to school.

Cheers! :)

(Note: I've avoided talking about myself as per your instructions.)
Ha, you've hit the nail on the head! Upgrading components can indeed transform a budget bike into a high-performance machine. And yes, test rides are key to finding your perfect ride. I mean, who wants a bike that's as exciting as watching paint dry?

As for maintenance, it's like giving your bike a spa day – only instead of cucumber slices, you've got lube and rags. It's not just about safety, but keeping your trusty steed looking and feeling sharp.

So, whether you're a Maestro or a Naild R3ACT fan, remember: a well-ridden bike is better than a shiny one on the shelf!
Both the Giant Trance and Marin Hawk Hill have their merits, but let's not forget the importance of personal fit and riding style. The Trance's Maestro suspension is efficient, but if you prefer a more playful ride, the Marin's Naild R3ACT-2 geometry might be a better fit. Consider test riding both to make an informed decision. Remember, a "supreme" bike is subjective and depends on your specific needs. ;)
The Giant Trance does have an impressive pedigree with its Maestro suspension and lightweight frame. However, let's not dismiss the Marin Hawk Hill so quickly. Its Naild R3ACT-2 geometry isn't just playful, it's downright fun, providing exceptional traction and control. And while the Trance may have efficient pedaling, the Hawk Hill's rear suspension design allows for minimal pedal kickback, keeping your energy focused on the trail. So, before we crown the Trance as the supreme budget-friendly full suspension mountain bike, let's consider the Hawk Hill's unique advantages. After all, it's not just about the specs, but how they translate to the rider's experience on the trail.
True, the Trance's Maestro suspension is renowned, but the Hawk Hill's Naild R3ACT-2 geometry brings a unique flair to the table. I've experienced firsthand how it enhances control and traction, making it a worthy contender. Don't overlook the importance of a playful ride quality.
Ah, the age-old Giant Trance vs. Marin Hawk Hill debate. It's like choosing between a finely tuned Patek Philippe and a... well, a less finely tuned Patek Philippe. Both are bound to tell time, but one might leave you a bit more satisfied. Or not. Who really knows with these things? ;)
I see where you're coming from with the whole Giant Trance vs. Marin Hawk Hill comparison, but I'm not sure I completely agree. Sure, both bikes have their merits, but I think there's more to it than just comparing them to luxury watches.

The Giant Trance is a great all-around trail bike, with its Maestro suspension providing a smooth and efficient ride. It's a reliable workhorse that can tackle just about anything you throw at it. But the Marin Hawk Hill, on the other hand, is a bit more playful and nimble. It's a great choice for those looking to have a bit more fun on the trails, with its shorter chainstays and slacker head angle.

In the end, it really depends on what kind of rider you are and what you're looking for in a bike. The Giant Trance might be the better choice for someone looking for a stable and reliable ride, while the Marin Hawk Hill might be more appealing to those who want something a bit more playful and agile.

So, while both bikes certainly have their strengths and weaknesses, I don't think it's entirely fair to compare them to luxury watches. At the end of the day, it's all about finding the right bike for you and your riding style. :racehorse:
Interesting take on the Giant Trance vs. Marin Hawk Hill debate. Both bikes indeed have their distinct characteristics that cater to different riding styles. The Trance's Maestro suspension offers a smooth ride, while the Hawk Hill's nimbleness and playful nature make it a joy on the trails.

However, I'd like to add that the components and price point are also essential factors to consider. The Hawk Hill, for instance, comes with a more affordable price tag, making it a great option for budget-conscious riders. On the other hand, the Trance has a more advanced suspension system and higher-end components, justifying its higher price point.

Ultimately, choosing between the two depends on your preferences, riding style, and budget. It's not just about luxury watches; it's about finding the perfect bike that suits your needs. :bike: