best grand tour domestique ever?

limerickman said:
Agreed - his dad's reaction that day to his bronze medal was lovely to see.
Eddie was really really happy that day in Athens.

Speaking of Axel - he was having a dreadful mountain stage a couple of years back in the TDF.
He barely crossed the line within the time limit.
Huge applause went up for Axel because he fought and made it within the time limit.
Merckx burst out crying - probably a mixture of gratitude and of frustration at his "bad" performance.
Eurosport gave good coverage to that finish.
Axel has a place in most cycling fans hearts.
...and to think he could have played football for his country and club..... he wanted to choose cycling for his Dad.....
whiteboytrash said:
...and to think he could have played football for his country and club..... he wanted to choose cycling for his Dad.....

It's one of those things WBT -
Axels a talented guy by all accounts.

Imagine having to ride living in the shadow of Eddie Merckx.
I respect the guy for being able to do it and to carve out a good career.
His palmares is better than a lot of professionals.
derby said:
When you say things like "Lemond was never a team player in his career", it certainly doesn't reflect a broad knowledge of Lemond's career or even a superficial awareness of his role in supporting Duclos-LaSalle in P-R, even if you do have some photos in your bedroom of the race. :rolleyes: . And, LOL, Lemond didn't attack Hinault. Lemond was able to respond to other riders attacking when Hinault was unable to and was called back to support Hinault, WHICH HE DID , something good domestiques do. You seem to have an obvious bias against Lemond that allows you do deliberately distort history. That is not a good reflection on your character. :rolleyes:
Wolf... Why you got to be a Lemond apologist? I too must call into question your character, Sir. Based on your responses over the past two years I have come to the conclusion that you are indeed al-Qaeda operative.
helmutRoole2 said:
Wolf... Why you got to be a Lemond apologist? I too must call into question your character, Sir. Based on your responses over the past two years I have come to the conclusion that you are indeed al-Qaeda operative.
helmutRoole...... Just a personality flaw. I just cannot help it. Hell, I can't even spell All Kada , let alone join something that would require me to believe in something... No, I enjoy my superficial life.

The LeMond question....... As a rider I have nothing but respect for him. He was a great rider under difficult circumstances in Europe.
But to call him a domestique? And that is what this thread is all about......... I would like to be in the room when someone told LeMond he was a great domestique.

Lemond...... "Domestikeek? Domestikeek? I am the great Lemond. I am the guy who beat that ponytailed school teacher from Paris."

Cycling Fan......."But you worked for Hinault when he won the TDF."

Lemond....... "Hinault! Hinault! He is a traitor, I would have won more TDF's if he was not a traitor!"

Cycling fan......." But you did it drug-free!"

Lemond....... Yes, I did it drug-free and with funny handlebars.The TDf was one of 5 speeds. Did I mention Lance is a druggie. He told me himself."

Cycling fan....... "How many TDF's could you have won?"

Lemond....... "All of them."
wolfix said:
Next time I head down the Mexican Gulf coast I will look for Krusty. I'm usually not too far from Monterrey. Ok....... So now we know what he does, ..........but how do you know this??????
Federales are our friends.......
Wolf did you rob his Tour medals and juwelry worth of 20 million pesos. It happened in 2001, after that...nothing (it's the last I found about Raul).

Raul's brother, Rodrigo Alcala raced in the USA:

The best Grand Tour domestique ever? Hmmm many....

Johan van der Velde helping Joop Zoetemelk, so "Jopie" finally won his Tour de France (he was six times second) in 1980 (with TI Raleigh).

By the way, his son Ricardo is 20 years old and he is racing for the U23 Rabobank team. He was number 10 at the Cyclocros world championships.
An PEZ interview with Ricardo is at:
Lots of organised crime and drug running from the PDM team of the 90's..... more gear than a Chinese swimmer in that team....

cyclingheroes said:
Wolf did you rob his Tour medals and juwelry worth of 20 million pesos. It happened in 2001, after that...nothing (it's the last I found about Raul).

Raul's brother, Rodrigo Alcala raced in the USA:

The best Grand Tour domestique ever? Hmmm many....

Johan van der Velde helping Joop Zoetemelk, so "Jopie" finally won his Tour de France (he was six times second) in 1980 (with TI Raleigh).

By the way, his son Ricardo is 20 years old and he is racing for the U23 Rabobank team. He was number 10 at the Cyclocros world championships.
An PEZ interview with Ricardo is at:
cyclingheroes said:
Wolf did you rob his Tour medals and juwelry worth of 20 million pesos. It happened in 2001, after that...nothing

I was suspected of it. But I hired lawyers, Nike, and wrote a book to prove my innocence. But I did place on E-Bay some medals and things similar to the ones that came up missing. Funny thing though, the winning bidder was a guy with a E-Bay name of "whiteboytrash." In complete good faith I sent them before monies were recieved. I never did get any money out of that deal...... I'm wondering what ever became of that guy?

The best Grand Tour domestique ever? Hmmm many....

Johan van der Velde helping Joop Zoetemelk, so "Jopie" finally won his Tour de France (he was six times second) in 1980
(with TIRaleigh).
limerickman said:
It's one of those things WBT -
Axels a talented guy by all accounts.

Imagine having to ride living in the shadow of Eddie Merckx.
I respect the guy for being able to do it and to carve out a good career.
His palmares is better than a lot of professionals.
What about when Axel won the Belgian Championships... Eddy must have been in tears!

We Canadians have adopted Axel in that his wife is a Canadian and spends a good part of the off season here in Canada.
wolfix said:
I was suspected of it. But I hired lawyers, Nike, and wrote a book to prove my innocence. But I did place on E-Bay some medals and things similar to the ones that came up missing. Funny thing though, the winning bidder was a guy with a E-Bay name of "whiteboytrash." In complete good faith I sent them before monies were recieved. I never did get any money out of that deal...... I'm wondering what ever became of that guy?

Hmmm whiteboytrash... sounds familiar to me. I did hear that name...
wolfix said:
I was suspected of it. But I hired lawyers, Nike, and wrote a book to prove my innocence. But I did place on E-Bay some medals and things similar to the ones that came up missing. Funny thing though, the winning bidder was a guy with a E-Bay name of "whiteboytrash." In complete good faith I sent them before monies were recieved. I never did get any money out of that deal...... I'm wondering what ever became of that guy?

It should come as no surprise to know that he became a lawyer.
Nature triumphing over nurture.
limerickman said:
It's one of those things WBT -
Axels a talented guy by all accounts.

Imagine having to ride living in the shadow of Eddie Merckx.
I respect the guy for being able to do it and to carve out a good career.
His palmares is better than a lot of professionals.

Yes, it seems that Axel is a well liked rider in and out of the peloton.
Rode well with Motorola as a tireless domestique alongside Yatesy and Lance.
Still good friends with folks from all his previous teams it seems.
Rode alongside of Landis and Santi and no harsh or judgemental words from him,
and now closing out his career on a positive note.
I hope he wins something crazy on a long breakaway this year.