Best Looking Female Cyclist?

RubberSideDown said:
And this is a good one of Lance's love.....
Yuck! I don't know why but I don't find her attractive at all, and she is even worse in a cycling kit.
RubberSideDown said:
And this is a good one of Lance's love.....
Ug....why did you post it.....this is the "Best Looking Female Cyclist?" thread....come on now.
>>In the interim of receiving this evidence of this Susan Repp babe's beauty, I nominate Niki Gudex - a local Aussie MTB downhill lass<<

She won't stay that good looking for long if she rides off road without a helmet.
mr tibbs said:
how about her?
Ohh man I think I think I am going to be sick...Please tell me that that is a guy and you are just trying to be funny, in which case you need to have your eyes checked becasue the title to this thread is "Best Looking FEMALE Cyclyst"
jaguar75 said:
Ohh man I think I think I am going to be sick...Please tell me that that is a guy and you are just trying to be funny, in which case you need to have your eyes checked becasue the title to this thread is "Best Looking FEMALE Cyclyst"

what!?!? you mean to tell me that mario cipollini is a MAN?!?!
i need a drink...:(
These are nice looking women.

However, a word to the wise. From the legal standpoint, now they are named, we cannot say "blokey " things like," I'd like to 'er one!". They may have lawyers. I would like to give all one of course!

Jokes about mentrual cycles may be consider bad form too! hehehehe! :p
Originally Posted by mr tibbs
what!?!? you mean to tell me that mario cipollini is a MAN?!?!
i need a drink...:(
Err, funny there "mr tibbs".....Mario Cipollini was one fo the best sprinters of all time, if not the best. Maybe you’re just envious b/c you think he has a girlish figure, the one you wish you always had:confused: Just a maybe.