Best time of day to go cycling

it really depends on what else you have to do during the day, study ? work ? then you fix your riding into your schedule, there is a certain routine before riding: putting on your cycling kit, checking air pressure on your tires, the truing of the wheels, the lubricant on your chain, from personal experience i would advice to never postpone your training once you have the time to go, always profit from leisure time and motivation,
Go out for a ride about an hour before you have dinner. Helps to cut your appetite so you don't over eat. That way you lose weight twice as fast. If, you have to lose weight that is.
CrabLouie said:
Go out for a ride about an hour before you have dinner.  Helps to cut your appetite so you don't over eat.  That way you lose weight twice as fast.  If, you have to lose weight that is.
You're kidding, right? I can't think of any cyclists that I know whose appetites are less after riding. You certainly won't lose weight twice as fast just because you're riding before dinner. If you want to lose weight faster, ride more, ride harder, and/or watch moderate how much and what you eat.
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Originally Posted by alienator .

You're kidding, right? I can't think of any cyclists that I know whose appetites are less after riding. You certainly won't lose weight twice as fast just because you're riding before dinner. If you want to lose weight faster, ride more, ride harder, and/or watch moderate how much and what you eat.
I agree. Riding kicks my metabolism and hunger way up. I do a week-long tour every year (~360-370 miles), and I usually gain about 3 pounds or so. During that tour, if I'm not riding, I'm eating or putting down the fluids.
alienator said:
You're kidding, right? I can't think of any cyclists that I know whose appetites are less after riding. You certainly won't lose weight twice as fast just because you're riding before dinner. If you want to lose weight faster, ride more, ride harder, and/or watch moderate how much and what you eat.
I'm one who is never hungry after a ride. Maybe 2 hours later. Although I'll nurse a water bottle or two.
Best time of the day to go cycling would be early morning, around 5-6 AM. The sun hasn’t come out fully yet so you can protect yourself from the sun. There are also lesser vehicles if you are biking on the road.
Do you live in a place with big changes in weather season to season? I'm in Australia so in summer I wake up as early as I can so I avoid the sun, take a break during the day then ride through the afternoon into the evening. But in winter I try and avoid the dark mornings. It's not about the time per se, more about what conditions you're comfortable riding in.
I personally prefer to cycle at night, once it is dark outside and the roads are quieter. I live in the UK and I prefer around 10pm. I'm able to get out and ride quickly and the cool air stops me from overheating but its not comfortable on your lungs. I like to practice small jumps by using the curb so I like riding in the streets at night, meaning less cars. I always keep an eye out on the weather, like if its rained earlier in the day and its a very cold night, there could be frost and ice. Look at the ground, and the more sparkles you see, the icier it is. I've been caught out plenty of times on corners when I thought it wasn't that icy.
When you don't have to rush, so it would be weekend for me preferly Sunday and a sunny day, lol. ;D
A beginner? Well, for a beginner eventually mid morning or mid afternoon at the weekend, in a park for example, if it's not much crowded.

For me personally I like at the sunset or sunrise, the best colors and atmosphere are in the air at that time, it's a really beautiful scenario. :)
I've always found that when you're starting out you should ride when people are at work & kids are at school. So, weekdays during the afternoon. Less people to see you fall. :D
Personally, I prefer cycling in the early morning, and that's probably when I perform the best. I can deal with colder weather in the mornings, and I try a little bit harder while cycling so that I can sweat a little more and warm up. ;] I know people that cycle during the day or swear by cycling at night, but I'm a morning person through and through. That's my preferred time, though, and I'm willing to cycle whenever I have the free time!
Come on, if people are at work and kids are at school we are there too right? :) That's what happens with me and my kids, I can usually ride with them only at the weekends.
chrisch said:
Whenever it stops raining.
You forgot about snowing! I don't know whether your answer was meant to be humourous, but I got a chuckle out of it.

I would have to say early morning. It is calm, peaceful, and not too hot out. I would list night too, but that can be potentially dangerous since drivers cannot see you as well.