Black Teenagers bumping loud rap music in their cars

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in this day and age i'm not too sure race has to do anything with loud music, it's more a da factor.

now i live and breathe through music and understand (loud) music and connect with many different varieties and play everything from country to rock to rap to jazz to folk but i do not play it loud to ******** or interrogate others privacy.

btw, i have friends of all walks of life and have known of all to be equally as intelligent or dumb as the next.

my two cents.
roadhouse said:
in this day and age i'm not too sure race has to do anything with loud music, it's more a da factor.

now i live and breathe through music and understand (loud) music and connect with many different varieties and play everything from country to rock to rap to jazz to folk but i do not play it loud to ******** or interrogate others privacy.

What on earth is the da factor?
Insecure_Banana said:
This applies to male and female teenagers.
Not exclusively black, but Hispanic and white as well.
Always blasting the annoying, trendy rap music.
Poker face bull****. A-kon garbage. What have you.
It's never going to stop.
Please help.:confused:

If your post is not exclusively toward blacks then change your title to : "Teenagers bumping loud rap music in their cars".

Where or the mods? Personally I think you should banned...:mad:
I would suggest that there has been a general deterioration in behaviour throughout various age groups in recent times.

Kids, of all backgrounds/colour, always played loud music.
The difference being that in my day, when an adult asked a kid to lower the volume, you would respectyour elders and lower the volume when asked.
I’m not sure that this would generally be the case.

I don’t know why standards have changed to be honest.
Seems that there is a lack of fundamental respect for the word of adults, when it comes to some kids.
This can only be down to the way these kids have been brought up, I would suggest.

If a kid is brought up to respect the words of an adult – the kid will respect the word of all adults, I think.

I’ve said it before many times – people need to have a licence to keep a dog.
We should have strict control on who can/cannot be a parent, in my view.
limerickman said:
I would suggest that there has been a general deterioration in behaviour throughout various age groups in recent times.

Kids, of all backgrounds/colour, always played loud music.
The difference being that in my day, when an adult asked a kid to lower the volume, you would respectyour elders and lower the volume when asked.
I’m not sure that this would generally be the case.

I don’t know why standards have changed to be honest.
Seems that there is a lack of fundamental respect for the word of adults, when it comes to some kids.
This can only be down to the way these kids have been brought up, I would suggest.

If a kid is brought up to respect the words of an adult – the kid will respect the word of all adults, I think.

I’ve said it before many times – people need to have a licence to keep a dog.
We should have strict control on who can/cannot be a parent, in my view.

I agree with much of what you said - to a point.

What do you do with the adults that still act like kids? You don't have to go too far to see prime examples of what I'm talking about. Are they to be respected by kids? By adults? By anyone?

And who is this "we" to which you refer? Do you think you should be including in this "we" group? Why? Why not? If you think you should included in the 'chosen' group that decides who can/can't be a parent, what criteria are you using that allows you to think you're superior to anyone else? I definitely will agree to disagree with that type of mentality...

These are rhetorical questions - not meant to start an argument with you in particular, but I'm sure you can understand what I'm getting at in posing them...

WRT to this loud music playing stuff, it could easily be curtailed - if people thought it a serious enough problem. As such, it's not all that significant so people should just lighten up about the whole matter - there are much bigger fish to fry than someone's loud music; and I use the term "music" very loosely...
tonyzackery said:
I agree with much of what you said - to a point.

What do you do with the adults that still act like kids? You don't have to go too far to see prime examples of what I'm talking about. Are they to be respected by kids? By adults? By anyone?

And who is this "we" to which you refer? Do you think you should be including in this "we" group? Why? Why not? If you think you should included in the 'chosen' group that decides who can/can't be a parent, what criteria are you using that allows you to think you're superior to anyone else? I definitely will agree to disagree with that type of mentality...

These are rhetorical questions - not meant to start an argument with you in particular, but I'm sure you can understand what I'm getting at in posing them...

WRT to this loud music playing stuff, it could easily be curtailed - if people thought it a serious enough problem. As such, it's not all that significant so people should just lighten up about the whole matter - there are much bigger fish to fry than someone's loud music; and I use the term "music" very loosely...

The "we" I refer to is - society in general.

It is my view that there are people who are not fit to be parents.
They bring children in to the world - and are incapable of looking after the emotional/financial/societal needs of their children.
These people, in many cases, are incapable of looking after themselves, never mind anyone else.
And lets be clear here, it is the welfare of the children, of these people who take precedence, in my view.

In terms of setting a criteria for people to be allowed to parent, I have no set ideas.

In terms of adults acting as children - I'm not really sure what you mean.
limerickman said:
The "we" I refer to is - society in general.

It is my view that there are people who are not fit to be parents.
They bring children in to the world - and are incapable of looking after the emotional/financial/societal needs of their children.
These people, in many cases, are incapable of looking after themselves, never mind anyone else.
And lets be clear here, it is the welfare of the children, of these people who take precedence, in my view.

In terms of setting a criteria for people to be allowed to parent, I have no set ideas.

In terms of adults acting as children - I'm not really sure what you mean.

now this one hits home as i can honestly say that my parents were not fit to be parents.
good people, the both of them all in all but not family friendly. both very, very childish and very negligent and hidden in their ideals of how to raise a family. my father was a very, very selfish person and a heavy drinker and it was all about him and thus so no communication of any kind, ever and the home was broken before i was out of elementary school and so my life went spiraling out of control, just completely apesh!t.

those days are long gone but the effects are felt to the core and i'd have to assume they always will be so i understand what grownups who act like children is.
WRT children not repecting parents, I wonder if any part of it could be from their exposure to TV shows like the Simpsons and others that often portray parents as being clueless dolts?
kdelong said:
WRT children not repecting parents, I wonder if any part of it could be from their exposure to TV shows like the Simpsons and others that often portray parents as being clueless dolts?

Might well be.

Personally there is no excuse for the drop in the standards, in my view.
Kids ought to respect their folks and they ought to behave properly.
I think the only comfort you can take is in the fact that most of them will be deaf soon. :rolleyes::cool::D bk
Insecure_Banana said:
This applies to male and female teenagers.
Not exclusively black, but Hispanic and white as well.
Always blasting the annoying, trendy rap music.
Poker face bull****. A-kon garbage. What have you.
It's never going to stop.
Please help.:confused:
You can always call in an air strike ! :cool:
I can't stand that "THUMPING" noise!! I am a musician and that stuff is TRASH!! I think of it as "no talent music"!!! and the funny part is they think they are sooo cool by playing that trash that loud!!lol!!!
two wheels said:
I can't stand that "THUMPING" noise!! I am a musician and that stuff is TRASH!! I think of it as "no talent music"!!! and the funny part is they think they are sooo cool by playing that trash that loud!!lol!!!
That and all of the silly hand gestures. They all think they are gangsters or something.
slyjackson said:
If your post is not exclusively toward blacks then change your title to : "Teenagers bumping loud rap music in their cars".

Where or the mods? Personally I think you should banned...:mad:
Whites will play that Black music loud too. It's not just the Blacks doing it. I like to take up for my homies whenever I get the chance.
Got some real small-mindedness startin' up in here now...

Just consider this - it's a Black thing and you wouldn't know nuthin' about it...

Translation: just because you're from another culture/ethnicity/background/color/prefer another genre of music/etc.. - it's rather silly to berate another's culture/ethnicity/background/prefence in music/etc... - just because it doesn't agree with your narrow and quite small view of the world...

It's called enlightenment and tolerance of differences. Perhaps you're not interested in "tolerating" another's way of life. If that's truly the case, then go back to the suburbs or the sticks, or wherever you hole yourself up...

Better yet, try your biyatch sessions with those that are blastin' the loud music...I dare you...:D
tonyzackery said:
Got some real small-mindedness startin' up in here now...

Just consider this - it's a Black thing and you wouldn't know nuthin' about it...

Translation: just because you're from another culture/ethnicity/background/color/prefer another genre of music/etc.. - it's rather silly to berate another's culture/ethnicity/background/prefence in music/etc... - just because it doesn't agree with your narrow and quite small view of the world...

It's called enlightenment and tolerance of differences. Perhaps you're not interested in "tolerating" another's way of life. If that's truly the case, then go back to the suburbs or the sticks, or wherever you hole yourself up...

Better yet, try your biyatch sessions with those that are blastin' the loud music...I dare you...:D
They are the ones that make songs Push it Real Good and **** the police and He's so Horny. We don't produce music like that now let alone 100 years ago. We would only have country music, Blue Grass. You can't badmouth that type of music. I know if Black guys walk into a dance place if you start playing Ernst Tubbs they won't hang around long. I was in a place one night when brothers walked into the door they started playing Michael Jackson and the brothers got down.
If we wrote music with lyrics Kill the Borthers and Brothers are dumb and Brothers can't read you'd be raising heck. But you can make all kinds of music that degrade us.
Everytime it's four brothers and one redneck there is problems, but when redneck gets two more rednecks no problem.
We had a lot of trouble in the school with the brothers. They were causing all kidns of trouble. About ten of us rednecks said that's enough and started kicking brothers. They brought a real bad brother out to school. In the prinicpals office they beat the **** out of him. We did not have anymore toruble the rest of the year. Not once. This school is half brothers.
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