Bush's America.....Is it safer then the UK?

wolfix said:
I think it is time for all countries to look at immigration policies much closer. While I believe that not all Muslims are a violent people, there is some extreme radicalism against the west that runs through a few of them.


And on the opposite side - not all western people are violent people.
I hope that the people of Iraq, for example, do not think that all western people are like those who're currently occupying their country.

wolfix said:
A country's officials are elected to protect the citizens of that country,

In an ideal world, I agree.

But looking at western countries foreign policies, I believe that those policies have contributed to the current situation vis-a-vis state terrorism and para military responses.

wolfix said:
While everyone wants to point out the whys and whatfors the radical Muslim hatred of the west, the radicals are planning destruction. That is the problem the west faces, not discussing history.

And what about the destruction wrought by the West on the Middle East?
What about the destruction and consumption of the West, of the Middle East's national asset (oil)?
And what about the Wests support of corrupt Middle East regimes?

Whats is currently happening in inextricably linked to history, Wolf.
Western countries certainly have a poor human rights record - slavery of Africans, imperialism, fascism e.t.c.
I've just started reading a very deep book on the FBI and John Lennon and was surprised to see to what degree Lennon was feared in the U.S. He was seen as a dangerous revolutionary.
It may well have been the case John Winston Lennon was murdered at the behest of the FBI and CIA.
I also wonder what view Lennon would have taken on the Iraq War and also Islamic extremism. That's a tough one to answer as Lennon loved New York and would have been outraged over 9/11. On the other hand, he would have been sickened over the Iraq War and would have loathed the Bush Administration.
Funny how both Lennon and Muhammad Ali were monitored by the FBI.