Clydesdale community challenge part iv

14,819.3 + 23.8 = 14,843.1

My month was good at total of 459 miles and 14,297 feet of elevation gain.

New weight is 210 lbs down from 242 at the end of May.
First month since March where my total miles DECREASED from the previous month - dropped to 345 from 396.
14,937 + 23.9 = 14,960.9 I woke up this AM fully expecting the remnants of Isaac to be dumping on us like the weather man predicted, but not so. I checked out the radar and it looked like I had a window of good clear weather so I got a ride in before breakfast. This month I set a goal to ride every day except my on-call days or terrible stormy weather, so I had to do it.
15,008.3 + 503.4 = 15,511.7

Start: 258.8 Current: 243.3

Just posting for the first time to this thread. 2012 miles. 29 rides.