

Aug 12, 2001
Hi will be offline for 2-3hours tonight while I move the database to an upgraded server. Once this is done we shouldn't see those damn database error pages or general site slow downs anymore :cool:

steve said:
Hi will be offline for 2-3hours tonight while I move the database to an upgraded server. Once this is done we shouldn't see those damn database error pages or general site slow downs anymore :cool:

The upgrade has been completed, any feedback is welcome, looks good so far ;)

steve said:
The upgrade has been completed, any feedback is welcome, looks good so far ;)

around 12 oclock (lunchtime) in the UK the site is usually very slow as our American friends log in on the morning...

today it was a lot faster, so it seems like the new server can handle the load no probs..:D
Okay, Steve, make my day a happy one and tell me how I can NOT get the listing of everything "ArticleBot" finds in its troll through the web. I love David Bryrne and the Talking Heads but I so don't need their "Tour" plans with the cycling news.

I know...bear with me, I am a grumpy old woman....tsk tsk tsk....but I really don't need the 80 listings of what doesn't pertain to cycling but happens to have one of the key words in it.

Any way to shut this off, Steve...???

Oh yes, and while I'm being grumpy girl, can we lose the msg about how I haven't posted in a while...I post when I have something relevant to say (or I'm just plain cranky and haven't picked on an overworked and underappreciated administrator of a cycling bulletin board in a while).

If nothing else, this bit of cranky pants will get rid of the other ....
Brunswick_kate said:
Okay, Steve, make my day a happy one and tell me how I can NOT get the listing of everything "ArticleBot" finds in its troll through the web. I love David Bryrne and the Talking Heads but I so don't need their "Tour" plans with the cycling news.

I know...bear with me, I am a grumpy old woman....tsk tsk tsk....but I really don't need the 80 listings of what doesn't pertain to cycling but happens to have one of the key words in it.
Hi there

Are you talking about the View New Forum Topics and Today's Forum topics pages?

steve said:
Hi there

Are you talking about the View New Forum Topics and Today's Forum topics pages?


Morning Steve...yes. that would be in exactly. Usual habit is to sign on and check the New Forum Topics and yes, I understand the whole issue doesn't exactly rank with the quest for the cure for the common cold and it's probably petty of me to whine but the reams of non-cycling tidbits posted by "article bot"..which I do understand is just a troll program...irritates the living hell out of me. :p

And while it is totally and completely possible that I do need to get a life, if there was some gee-wilikers techno fix for this minor assault on my sense of tranquility, it would be greatly appreciated. On the other hand, if it can't be fixed, I suspect I shall survive or maybe even thrive for the adversity.

Sigh...can you tell there's 97 feet of snow in the driveway? I never get this petty when I'm riding my bike....