Day 1 - Brisbane To Tweed Heads


New Member
Apr 15, 2003
Well its one day down and only ten to go.

The day started out as a rather brisk gathering down at BMD Manly. I was surprised to see how many gathered to see me off. It was great. All of my friends showed up, a couple of family members and about a dozen or so friends/colleagues from BMD.

Well, after lots of hugs, well wishes and tears from my Mum, 7.00am came and I was off on my adventure.

First place of note was Mt Cotton, I travelled through Mt Cotton at approx 22km per hours, a lot quicker than I originally anticipated. After making it through Mt Cotton, I headed toward the Gold Coast, taking the old Pacific Hway, which runs for the most part alongside the M1.

My first stop was Caltex Helensvale, where I rested the old legs and hoed into a well deserved, and may I add, tasty, mars bar. Whilst minding my own business and wolfing down my mars bar, a colourful character named Sally decided to strike up a conversation with me. Geez, I thought I could talk. She turned out to be quite a lovely lady and wished me well on the days ahead.

I continued on, through Helensvale, Labrador and down the Gold Coast Highway, towards Surfers Paradise. I had a bit of a moment coming into Labrador, which I ever so casually tried to cover up, without much success. I was coming up to an intersection and this car decided to speed up in front of me and then take a left. Right in from of me. IDIOT! I proceeded to jam on the brakes whilst simultaneously providing the young male driver with a hand signal of my own. As I did this, I had trouble releasing my left foot from my clip pedals and continued on to fall straight over onto my left hand side, luckily it was a soft grass strip that I fell onto. With a now very bruised ego, I proceeded to get up and pretend to look over the "faulty" clip pedal. How feeble. I have tried to cover up my blooper by pretending that it must have been the equipment... It couldn't possibly be me, making a tool of myself...hehehe.

Well, I continued on and made a brief stop at Miami before moving onto my destination - South Tweed Heads.
I arrived at the Tweed Fairways Motel and was warmly greeted by Charlie & Chris Jensen, who so generously have given me a nights accommodation as a form of sponsorship. They are both lovely people. Not long after my arrival, and a nice hot shower, I was greeted at the door by Chris. She was holding a couple of bottles of juice for me. It is these small gestures that mean so much on a journey like this.

I had a quick nap and then headed out on my quest for dinner. Within a 600m strip, there is every fast food place ever established. I finally came across a Chinese restaurant and ordered a huge serving of Beef with Honey Pepper Sauce and Steamed Rice. I don't know if it was because I was so hungry or not, but it was awesome. I thoroughly recommend Ocean Sky Chinese Restaurant, should you ever be in South Tweed.

Well thats it from me for now. I must get my rest for Day No. 2.

Stats - Total kms = 125km. Total time = 6hrs 15mins.
Average Speed = 21.8km/hr.
Based on the first day, if you decide to write a book about your experience, I'm sure it would be a best seller. Thinking of you. Timm
where ever you are there you go........sorry to here of your fall..I was so sad...but much better now.hehe.........keep on paddling
Chinese sounds good, but you might want to stay away from the South Tweed Vindaloo Hut... if you know what I mean!
Sounds like everything is going well.
ps. those pedal clips often seize up, manufacturer fault... I'm sure.
Originally posted by Jaye
ps. those pedal clips often seize up, manufacturer fault... I'm sure.

Thats true, they always seem to fail at traffic lights or anywhere there is a crowd of people :confused:

:) Hey Danno

Hope all went well on your second day. Take care of yourself and beware of motorists unfortunately some vehicles don't have much respect for cyclists. What's that about? Glad to hear you gave him what for, you go girl!

Michael & Kelli
Hey Dannii,

Glad to hear you're first day went well (despite the loser in the car!!). How are those thigh muscles feeling?? I have a feeling that book which I'm sure you are going to write one day is going to be a classic!! - especially if you encounter some of the 'characters' I am expecting you will meet in various petrol stations along the way. Just remember - be very careful who you strike up a conversation with!!
Hope your 2nd day went well - Our thoughts are with you and make sure you keep safe & healthy.

Am looking forward to reading your next diary entry.

Best Wishes.

