Day 4 Mclean To Coffs Harbour


New Member
Apr 15, 2003
4 days down and seven to go!!!

Well, I headed out at 6.00am this morning and had 45kms to make up from my short trip yesterday.

I left my hotel room in the dark and the rain!! The rain is somewhat comforting, it takes your mind off any little aches and pains that you may otherwise be thinking about.

I headed out through McLean and the 2kms back to the highway, and thats right back to more sugar cane ... great!!!

It rained all morning and when I got into Grafton 3 1/2 hours later it was no different. I stopped at a roadhouse and grabbed a hot chocolate and cornflake cookie and took a 1/2 hour rest.

I continued on my way and was delighted to see something other than flat sugar cane and cow lined plains. Hills at last!!!

My spirits started to lift as I rode through the Bom Bom State Forest and the rain eased to a drizzle. Animals lined the roads on either side. I saw two very curious looking kangaroos, they sat up quite straight and had a very curious and comical gaze on their faces as their heads turned slowly watching my every move. I also saw an echidna waddling along in the roadside drain. As cute as he looked, I wouldn't like to get on his bad side hehehe.

I also rode past a pony equestrian club today. They are soooo cute. I started to think that maybe I could trade my bike on one and ride a pony for the rest of the way. Might have trouble with accommodation though hehehe.

The rain finally stopped at about 1.30pm and was replaced with howling winds. I stopped at the BP Servo at Halfway Creek and the lady there told me the winds were currently at 32kms/ hour... what the ???

After a 20min stop, I decided that it was no use sitting around ... that would never get me to my hot shower and comfy bed.

I pushed on, and when I say push on, I mean it! The winds were so strong that I had to pedal to get down hills!!! I was now doing a mere 12 kms per hour ... It was really starting to take its toll.

I pedalled up a very steep hill with the promise of a very steep downhill ... The wind put an end to that, I coasted down at 6.3km/hr. I was now so frustrated that I physically yelled out "Oh come on, Give me a f#**'n break... jsut a small f#**'n break!!!!! The poor old cow in the adjoining paddock absolutely shat himself and fled from the fence he was grazing at ... I burst into laughter ... poor bloody cow, I can still see the look on his face as this crazy woman on a bike just snapped hehehe. I still can't stop giggling at the prospect.

At 3.45pm, I made it to Coffs Harbour and you guessed it ... it started to rain AGAIN!!!! 5 mins before getting to my hotel room. LOVELY !!!!

All I could think of was that shower and a huge feast. At least I have the solace of knowing that the 6pm news said that the weather should be easing up tomorrow. Lets hope so, if not for me, then for the the poor cows along the way hehehe.

Stats Total kms = 136km
Total time = 8hrs 18mins
Avg Speed = 16.6km/hr
after you have completed your task you will be able to look back on your" big feet" with pride....leeburg......debbies collecting donations quite successfully...bye for now..
This is really interesting reading. Pity you don't have a digital cam with you so you can show us some pix as you go along.

Well done so far! Hope you have the wind at your back tomorrow.
I will be getting all my pics developed onto disc aswell, so I can share some pics once I get home in about 8 days time :)