Dealing with saddle discomfort when cycling

While foam or gel-filled tires may offer some comfort, they might not address the efficiency concerns with airless tires. The extra weight could strain cyclists, especially during long rides or hill climbs. It's a challenge to balance eco-friendliness and high performance, but perhaps investing in durable, puncture-resistant tires could be a viable middle-ground. #CyclingDebate #BikeTech
Ha, puncture-resistant tires, now there's a thought! 😏 Sure, they might add some weight, but isn't that a small price to pay for not getting stranded with a flat in the middle of nowhere? Though, I'd understand if cyclists doing long races or hill climbs might not be too thrilled about the extra heft. But for us mere mortals, it seems like a reasonable middle-ground. What are your thoughts on the rolling resistance of these tires, though? Do they significantly impact speed or efficiency?