Dealing with Tendonitis


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
I have a case of tendonitis in my leg near the top of my fibula (at the top of the calf muscle, on the outer part of the leg, but not related to my knee) that starts to really bother me after doing about 10 miles. It didn't even start until the 21st of August, when I did 33 miles, and it didn't start hurting until 20 miles into that ride, even though I was riding harder than I was used to that day. My only theory is that this developed because I had been putting too much emphasis on pushing down with my right leg, and while doing so I was pivoting my foot position (don't have clipless pedals or shoes yet, ---next week), and I think this aggravated some muscles or whatever. Soooo,,,,,,,

I've been taking the odd day off from riding, and doing short rides of less than 15 miles on the even days. I tried to crack in another 31mile ride yesterday, but it absolutely killed me (and my leg), so I know that I need to give it more time, but I don't want to necessarily take several days off from riding to accomplish this. Should I keep up the very short rides and just suffer the loss of pace and distance or what? I'm used to doing over 100 miles every week, and I feel absolutely sluggish if I take more than two days off riding. What's the best way to nurse this problem? Just take a full week off riding and then come back at it? Ride around the neighborhood for a few minutes every day with the local skateboard punks?
Olasnah said:
I have a case of tendonitis in my leg near the top of my fibula (at the top of the calf muscle, on the outer part of the leg, but not related to my knee) that starts to really bother me after doing about 10 miles. It didn't even start until the 21st of August, when I did 33 miles, and it didn't start hurting until 20 miles into that ride, even though I was riding harder than I was used to that day. My only theory is that this developed because I had been putting too much emphasis on pushing down with my right leg, and while doing so I was pivoting my foot position (don't have clipless pedals or shoes yet, ---next week), and I think this aggravated some muscles or whatever. Soooo,,,,,,,

I've been taking the odd day off from riding, and doing short rides of less than 15 miles on the even days. I tried to crack in another 31mile ride yesterday, but it absolutely killed me (and my leg), so I know that I need to give it more time, but I don't want to necessarily take several days off from riding to accomplish this. Should I keep up the very short rides and just suffer the loss of pace and distance or what? I'm used to doing over 100 miles every week, and I feel absolutely sluggish if I take more than two days off riding. What's the best way to nurse this problem? Just take a full week off riding and then come back at it? Ride around the neighborhood for a few minutes every day with the local skateboard punks?
Olasnah: it would be very inappropriate for anyone to give you medical advice without having the proper qualifications and seen you in person. Thus, I would advise you to seek an appointment with a sports medicine professional/physical therapist to deal with the matter correctly.
However, I can point out some issues you should factor in: your bike fit (!); your training schedule (ie: over use, as you aluded to); leg imbalances/flexibility; cleat position/shoe fit; influence from other activities.
Also, I would like to emphasize that it is extremely common for motivated athletes to push through an injury that they deem minor, only to have it stick around (and possibly get worse), for months to years. A short break from training combined with some proper medical attention can be invaluable. The location you described can invlove one or more of several muscles, which you may find are very involved with the function of the knee, even if the pain does not migrate to the knee itself. Furthermore, pain/discomfort often causes compensatory shifts in the way we use or bodies; this can lead to other problems down the road.
Obviously, I don't know the cause or magnitude of your injury, and I don't mean to be a doomsayer, it's just that I've seen too many well meaning and determined athletes unnecesarily prolong incidents like these. Good luck and heal well.
Tried something new today,,there's always a small hill I go over every few miles (circular route), and this time I stood while climbing instead of sitting,,,did that every time I went up the thing, no pain at all. Managed to get in 37miles today without the least bit of strain on the leg. Problem apparently solved!
Get Smartt. :D He has a point. Fit sounds like an issue for you. If you have to make major bodily adjustments to your ride to prevent pain, you have a problem. In the meantime, ice, motrin, and enough rest are my Rx. Get fit on your bike by a pro in the meantime.
I've gone to 3 different people to ensure that I have the proper fit, they all agree that I am. I think I've just been mashing the pedals too much on that hill. I just came off a 2 day break of no riding at all, so I had a bunch of energy today. I did change how I've been shifting a bit, going to a higher cadence in lower gears, and that has possibly more to do with it than maybe the climbing bit I mentioned, now that I think about it. Still feels weird to take take two days off of riding...I always feel like I'm not 100% without a short ride.