Did my friend do the right thing?


New Member
Jul 10, 2005
A friend of mine saw a few people in a car smoking marijuana while driving down the street. He didn't want to feel like a rat calling the police but did it anyway. Do you think he did the right thing by reporting them? I told him that those people shouldn't have been driving on the street, but he still isn't convinced.
Randomus said:
A friend of mine saw a few people in a car smoking marijuana while driving down the street. He didn't want to feel like a rat calling the police but did it anyway. Do you think he did the right thing by reporting them? I told him that those people shouldn't have been driving on the street, but he still isn't convinced.

Did he make the right call, HELL YEAH! I don't know where you live but those guys could've been driving toward or behind my wife and son. People get killed everyday by some idiot while driving a vehicle high on drugs or drunk. I don't care what anyone does in their homes, but don't bring it in public around innocent people. I really don't care if they smoke pot or drink alchohol but getting behind the wheel when doing it is no different then pointing a loaded gun into a croud and pulling the trigger, chances are someone will get hurt or die. The great thing about what your friend did is that whoever was in the car may even lose their right to operate a vehicle so he killed a few birds with one stone so to speak.

Randomus said:
A friend of mine saw a few people in a car smoking marijuana while driving down the street. He didn't want to feel like a rat calling the police but did it anyway. Do you think he did the right thing by reporting them? I told him that those people shouldn't have been driving on the street, but he still isn't convinced.
It depends on where you live and, the laws regarding marijuana. Personally, I would have taken the plate # too.

Your friend did exactly the right thing. See the post in BikeCafe >>


My view is that anybody who kills somebody by driving a vehicle whilst unfit through drink or drugs should be charged with murder. If they injure somebody, it should be attempted murder.
I was in Bangor (N.Wales) last weekend and the police were stopping every car on the main (and pretty much ONLY) road out of town at pub closing time and breathalysing the driver. I would like to see more of this accross the UK. If we (me and my mates) can organise one of us being designated driver and not drinking, then why can't everybody?

I'd rather see the money being spent on roadside speed camera's being put towards proper police in cars. Speed camera's don't catch drunk drivers (which I see as far more dangerous than speeding drivers)
Great Job! I would do the same thing in a second, there are dangerous drivers who aren't on ANYTHING at all- why let some idiot drive drunk or stoned? Hats off, job well done!