Do You Think Hollywood is So Satanic?


Jan 28, 2004
There are so many youtube videos that say famous people sold their soul to the devil for fame and fortune. Like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan, and various other movie stars and singers. It also seems that if you want to be an important person like a politician or CEO you have to join the Freemasons or illuminati, too.

I actually once had an instance in Church where a devil in the form of an ugly woman was in the pew ahead of me. She actually read my thoughts. Then a thought rang through me, - sell your self to the devil for a BILLION BUCKS, just by grabbing the money in her hands. I said no, even a billion bucks is not worth an eternity in HELL. Later that day, as I was walking along Water Tower, I saw the embodiment of the demon of world money that would have controlled me if I sold my soul to the devil. His woman partner looked at me and then him and realized they had no power over me. I also realized that if I sold my soul to the devil they could have cheated on me in that deal by taking my soul then and there. So I walked by happy and harmless in God.

Here's one shocking youtube video of how Satanic American Hollywood is. I was especially shocked at the Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson concerts showing them mocking Jesus and the Bible, and that the crowd was into it!

So nowadays sometimes I don't pay attention to the latest movies or songs, thinking they come from devil worshippers.

What's your opinion on this?

And sometimes I fear the end of the world is coming soon...
Originally Posted by JTE83
What's your opinion on this?

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There are no doubt devil worshipers around but I do not know any. Selling your soul to the devil has become somewhat of a metaphor for those that give up their integrity for reward.
I have no personal knowledge of anyone that actually has or has had an agreement with Satan, although I have suspected some forum members. :)
I may be going against my better judgement in posting on a non-cycling related thread but I believe we sometimes see evil where it does not exist and miss it where it does. I don't want to even think about all the pretty girls who refused the advances of undesirable men, the folk who's jealous neighbors didn't reap the same bounty at harvest, or the well meaning recluses concocting herbal remedies who found themselves screaming over the flame. Thank goodness we have a First Amendment, and Second Amendment to protect it.

Not so much since Chuck Manson and friends went bye-bye.

Now...libtarded, moronic, self-centered assholes and save the whales lunatics, combined with socialists, ideologues, junk science true believers, hedonists and atheists and a whole 'nother breed of commie DeamoncRATs...well yeah. I guess you do have a point.

A town full of people so stupid they didn't need to sell their souls. They gave them away.

Quote by Dan:
"Thank goodness we have a First Amendment, and Second Amendment to protect it."

Indeed. God Bless America!

When the Ballot Box, the Jury Box and the Soap Box fail The Republic, reach for the Cartridge Box and vote from the rooftops.
Originally Posted by alienator

I think you're having a difficult time telling the difference between reality and delusion. Your shrink likely needs to put you on different meds.
It's not a delusion when I see a youtube video where Katy Perry directly says she sold her soul to the devil for fame. There youtube videos are not fake, so I believe them. I saw another youtube video where Jack Black was praising and thanking Satan for his success - he was at an MTV Awards event or so.

These youtube video posters just can't make a fake video featuring celebrities and their devilish escapades. It's reality their posting.

I'm surprised many other people in other forums thought this was a joke too.
Originally Posted by JTE83
Katy Perry directly says she sold her soul to the devil for fame.

Jack Black was praising and thanking Satan for his success - he was at an MTV Awards event or so.
Are you familiar with hyperbole?
Good ol' Satan... Always makes it a top movie!

Sadako is right after:

and third place, Russel Crowe (Probably short for Crowley
Originally Posted by danfoz

Are you familiar with hyperbole?
I think it was a 75% chance it was not hyperbole. I really think they sold out to the devil.
Well, that is perhaps the most logical explanation for the popularity of Miley Cyries and the Bieber. It's certainly not talent,
I forgot Cthulhu!

Harder to make to a movie then Satan though...

Originally Posted by MotownBikeBoy

Well, that is perhaps the most logical explanation for the popularity of Miley Cyries and the Bieber. It's certainly not talent,
You make an excellent point.
Quote from the man from Deetroit:
"Well, that is perhaps the most logical explanation for the popularity of Miley Cyries and the Bieber. It's certainly not talent,"

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB

Not so much since Chuck Manson and friends went bye-bye.

Now...libtarded, moronic, self-centered assholes and save the whales lunatics, combined with socialists, ideologues, junk science true believers, hedonists and atheists and a whole 'nother breed of commie DeamoncRATs...well yeah. I guess you do have a point.

A town full of people so stupid they didn't need to sell their souls. They gave them away.

Quote by Dan:
"Thank goodness we have a First Amendment, and Second Amendment to protect it."

Indeed. God Bless America!

When the Ballot Box, the Jury Box and the Soap Box fail The Republic, reach for the Cartridge Box and vote from the rooftops.
Amen to both Dan and Campybob!!
JTE83 said:
I think it was a 75% chance it was not hyperbole.  I really think they sold out to the devil.
98% of all statistics are made up on the spot, and I don't think you'd recognize hyperbole if it smacked you in the face. There are people that can't identify reliable information and fall for whatever they're shown or they hear. You are one of those people.
"98% of all statistics are made up on the spot"

So...100% of your posts are pure, unadulterated ********?
I watched a video series called "Hells Bells" that showed extensive footage on Satan and his impact on the music industry. The video is rather cheesy, but it's a real eye-opener. I never had much respect for musicians like Madonna who always seemed to be pushing the limits of decency (or indecency) just for fortune and fame, but after watching the Hells Bells video, I now see what really motivates Madonna. In one video clip showing her concert footage, Madonna had her entire audience chanting, "We will all go to hell!" over and over again. If that was a fake video clip, they sure did a good job of making it look real.

I used to listen to pop music which included rap and heavy metal, such as The Beastie Boys, Metallica, Korn, etc. Thankfully, with the help of my wife and videos like "Hells Bells", I threw all my old CDs in the garbage... because that's what that music is: garbage. There seem to be very few pop musicians that don't get pulled into Satan's influence.

In the computer industry, there is an old acronym "GIGO"... "garbage in, garbage out". If you program poor code into a computer, don't expect quality to come out. The same is true with our minds... file it with garbage music all day long (which many people do), don't expect quality to come out.

Music is a very powerful medium. I can still remember lyrics to songs I didn't even like when I was a child. With so much of today's youth and increasing number of adults being plugged into their iPods all day long, it's not hard to see why Satan would choose music to fulfill his mission.
PoorInRichfield said:
I watched a video series called "Hells Bells" that showed extensive footage on Satan and his impact on the music industry.  The video is rather cheesy, but it's a real eye-opener.  I never had much respect for musicians like Madonna who always seemed to be pushing the limits of decency (or indecency) just for fortune and fame, but after watching the Hells Bells video, I now see what really motivates Madonna.   In one video clip showing her concert footage, Madonna had her entire audience chanting, "We will all go to hell!" over and over again.  If that was a fake video clip, they sure did a good job of making it look real. I used to listen to pop music which included rap and heavy metal, such as The Beastie Boys, Metallica, Korn, etc.  Thankfully, with the help of my wife and videos like "Hells Bells", I threw all my old CDs in the garbage... because that's what that music is: garbage.  There seem to be very few pop musicians that don't get pulled into Satan's influence. In the computer industry, there is an old acronym "GIGO"... "garbage in, garbage out".   If you program poor code into a computer, don't expect quality to come out.  The same is true with our minds... file it with garbage music all day long (which many people do), don't expect quality to come out. Music is a very powerful medium.   I can still remember lyrics to songs I didn't even like when I was a child.  With so much of today's youth and increasing number of adults being plugged into their iPods all day long, it's not hard to see why Satan would choose music to fulfill his mission.
Well, golly. If you saw it in a video it must be true. I saw on a paper that Kennedy was still alive and meeting regularly with Elvis and some of the Grays from Zeta Reticuli. It must be true since it was in a paper.