Freedom Of Speech

stevebaby said:
You empty headed animal food trough wiper!I fart in your general direction!Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
So go away or I shall taunt you a second time...
:D :D :D :D :D
Baby, you do understand that repeating the same taunts that I made to you is just lame.
You get an 8 for substance-Holy Grail is a great movie.
But you get a 0 for initiative. And 0 for creativity.
Next time try taunts that haven't been used in the last year, that'll make it seem like you as least tried.

Now, please provide the name of the newspaper that caused rioting by printing a cartoon of Jesus.
Chance3290 said:
Baby, you do understand that repeating the same taunts that I made to you is just lame.
You get an 8 for substance-Holy Grail is a great movie.
But you get a 0 for initiative. And 0 for creativity.
Next time try taunts that haven't been used in the last year, that'll make it seem like you as least tried.

Now, please provide the name of the newspaper that caused rioting by printing a cartoon of Jesus.
...and you get 0 for accuracy.I merely corrected something which you had misquoted.Can you get anything right?
Where did I ever claim that a newspaper had caused rioting by by printing a cartoon of jesus?
I didn't.Neither did anyone else on this thread.
How about showing us where a moslem newspaper printed cartoons of jesus?
stevebaby said:
Christianity is a religion of peace,understanding and tolerance.If you don't agree with this,I bomb your country,fire cruise missiles at it,destroy its infrastructure and kill thousands of civilians.
"Love thy neighbour"?
You compared Islam with Christianity. I said I don't recall anyone rioting because of cartoons of Jesus, and I challenged you to find such an instance.
Still waiting.
stevebaby said:
Or what?
Still can't do a search then? :D :D :D
And I didn't even see this one. What are you, in grade 4 recess?

Come on baby, either think of something original and intelligent, or its not going be any fun to make fun of you anymore.
Chance3290 said:
You compared Islam with Christianity. I said I don't recall anyone rioting because of cartoons of Jesus, and I challenged you to find such an instance.
Still waiting.
Umm...why would I be bothered to look for evidence of something that I have never asserted?
You poltroon.
stevebaby said:
Umm...why would I be bothered to look for evidence of something that I have never asserted?
You poltroon.
baby leave the grown up talk to the grown ups. You go have a nap now. We'll wake you when we want to be entertained.
Chance3290 said:
You compared Islam with Christianity. I said I don't recall anyone rioting because of cartoons of Jesus, and I challenged you to find such an instance.
Still waiting.
Wrong again,oaf.You were the dolt who compared the two religions.
I responded to your post.
Do you actually write this rubbish or is this an instance of the thousand monkeys not yet writing the shakespearean sonnet?
Chance3290 said:
baby leave the grown up talk to the grown ups. You go have a nap now. We'll wake you when we want to be entertained.
Baby likes fresh meat.Baby senses a herd animal...
You haven't answered the question.
Ask around the trailer park,you might find someone with an IQ higher up the double digit scale than you to explain how to do a search.Then you can get back to the springer show.
:D :D :D :D
Chance3290 said:
baby leave the grown up talk to the grown ups. You go have a nap now. We'll wake you when we want to be entertained.
Like your background music.

"Droolin' banjos",the georgia state anthem.
:D :D :D
Chance3290 said:
baby leave the grown up talk to the grown ups. You go have a nap now. We'll wake you when we want to be entertained.
Why did it take you 46 years to get a degree?
Was it that difficult for you at hamburger u?
:D :D :D
Chance3290 said:
baby leave the grown up talk to the grown ups. You go have a nap now. We'll wake you when we want to be entertained.
Do-Do problems!You have "Do-Do problems"? Omifeckin' god! "DO-DO problems"? That's just the funniest thing I've seen in my life! Someone claiming to be a grown man and he gets on the net and tells the entire world....he has "Do-Do problems"!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Please...share it with a few billion others...have you been troubled by..............
"WEE-WEE problems" too? oh jesus,it's too much,my sides are splitting and I almost spilled my beer!It's way funnier than cheney shooting the repiglickan lawyer.
And I thought you were the dullest and most boring yokel in existence until I checked your posts and have"Do-Do problems"!

My mission in life is now to remind the world that here is a "man" who uses the phrase.............. (wait for it...)

"DO-DO Problems"!
Oh lord,thank you,this is just so rich :D :D :D :D :D :D too much,too much..... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
This just has to be your new name..."Do-Do problems 3290"...
Oh god,I just can't stop laughing at this one... :D :D :D :D :D :D
stevebaby said:
Do-Do problems!You have "Do-Do problems"? Omifeckin' god! "DO-DO problems"? That's just the funniest thing I've seen in my life! Someone claiming to be a grown man and he gets on the net and tells the entire world....he has "Do-Do problems"!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Please...share it with a few billion others...have you been troubled by..............
"WEE-WEE problems" too? oh jesus,it's too much,my sides are splitting and I almost spilled my beer!It's way funnier than cheney shooting the repiglickan lawyer.
And I thought you were the dullest and most boring yokel in existence until I checked your posts and have"Do-Do problems"!

My mission in life is now to remind the world that here is a "man" who uses the phrase.............. (wait for it...)

"DO-DO Problems"!
Oh lord,thank you,this is just so rich :D :D :D :D :D :D too much,too much..... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

You have dropped Zappers name from your signature! The world is changing and leaving me behind.
jhuskey said:
You have dropped Zappers name from your signature! The world is changing and leaving me behind.
Stevebaby 2
do-do problems3290 0
zapper 0

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
stevebaby said:
Stevebaby 2
do-do problems3290 0
zapper 0

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
So now you're stalking men. You research and stalk men. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Chance3290 said:
So now you're stalking men. You research and stalk men. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Do "men" use the phrase..."do-do problems"?

I think not,do-do,I think not...
:D :D :D
Chance3290 said:
So now you're stalking men. You research and stalk men. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Baby feeds off herd animals like you...
stevebaby said:
Baby feeds off herd animals like you...
I have nothing against your type baby, But I'm straight. Good luck in your search, or stalking, for Mr Right.
Chance3290 said:
I have nothing against your type baby, But I'm straight. Good luck in your search, or stalking, for Mr Right.
Get real,mary,don't you think the world is wondering just how you got those..."DO-DO-PROBLEMS"!!!
:D :D :D :D :D