God, They're Fat - What Is Wrong With Americans?

It's a matter of life style and there is a big movement to change that, but sedentary and fast food culture is currently installed there.
Fast food doesn't make you fat... :p When I was doing my "Voluntary Service" :D in the army, all I was eating was fast food and venting machine sandwiches and snacks. (Wasn't "issued" with a stove :D )

I lost 6kg! :D Finally got them back after with some fast-cooked delicious pasta dishes. ;)

Pasta and bread... and pastry sweets. Now -that- makes you fat. :D
This whole thread reminds me of this:
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Mmm, dunno about that Volnix, fast food doesn't make you fast? Maybe just sick? :p

OMG Joan, what a torture to that poor woman, something green? :D
Gelsemium said:
Mmm, dunno about that Volnix, fast food doesn't make you fast? Maybe just sick? :p

Sick too... Try the "Mc-Burgers for 2 days" test. :D -If you dare-. :D
jhuskey said:

10 Billion served
35 completely eaten
2 digested

That's a looong discussion. :D About "Chemically good enough and the same throughout the globe" and actually good for you... :D

Btw... Would you ever use a "Flavor enhancer" when cooking at home? :wacko:
You mean you don't flavour enhance??? It's all the rage in Chelsea. Well, sir, you are just not living!
jhuskey said:

10 Billion served
35 completely eaten
2 digested
The stuff they put into the burgers at Mcdonalds is disgusting dude! Don't know why people buy that stuff. These two guys did an experiment by buying a mcdouble back in 1995 and twenty years later it looked the exact same thing! You wouldn't even know if you were eating an old burger at first sight. Talk about nasty!
Volnix said:
Sick too... Try the "Mc-Burgers for 2 days" test. :D -If you dare-. :D
lol, some people just have an iron health, I can't eat many McDonalds, once every two months is my top, it's really nothing we get in, no contribution at all to our health!
I think one of our biggest issues is with our addiction to motorized vehicles. With the exception of really large metropolitan areas like NYC, L.A. and D.C., very rarely do you see large amounts of people walking to and from their destinations. And I am guilty of this myself. I live less than a mile from a Wal-Mart and less than a mile from a Target. And even if I am only going for a loaf of break, a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk, I will drive. I won't take my bike because I will either get run over by the completely mindless drivers in Virginia Beach, or my bike will get stolen. And walking is also out of the question because I have a 6-year old daughter that I can not and will not leave at home either by herself or with her 13-year old brother. I do wish I had the option to walk or bike to most of my destinations, though.
pedalsformedals said:
Obesity increases the number of gun shot victims as they are slower to run away and easier to hit.
but the blubber must shield their vital organs a bit...so there's that.
Some of you people are idiots. First off I'm blessed to be 61 years old and weigh 165 pounds at 6' tall, blessed because I'm genetically built not to be overly fat, however not everyone is blessed that way. Some people are large because that's the way they are, all the exercise in the world won't make a lot of people get down to my weight level. The Romans understood this, why can't we? The Romans used the bigger genetically built people to swing the swords and axes etc on the main column, the thinner genetically built people were the arrow launchers and messenger runners. If you're predisposed to be genetically large then as you get older you get larger and any muscle you may have had is lost to fat. Even former muscle man Arnold Schwarzenegger is now fat. And the American diet of mostly sugar doesn't help that's for sure, but unless a person is willing to keep working out their entire life then they'll will get fatter and fatter, but again how fat they become is entirely genetic.

This genetic thing is follows all sorts of paths, cancer for instance, I knew people who were super diet and exercise fanatics that died of cancer in great shape, I had two friends who were licensed or registered dieticians, followed strict vegan diets, and exercised faithfully, both died of cancer. Genetics, that's all it is.
stevegreer said:
I think one of our biggest issues is with our addiction to motorized vehicles. With the exception of really large metropolitan areas like NYC, L.A. and D.C., very rarely do you see large amounts of people walking to and from their destinations. And I am guilty of this myself. I live less than a mile from a Wal-Mart and less than a mile from a Target. And even if I am only going for a loaf of break, a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk, I will drive. I won't take my bike because I will either get run over by the completely mindless drivers in Virginia Beach, or my bike will get stolen. And walking is also out of the question because I have a 6-year old daughter that I can not and will not leave at home either by herself or with her 13-year old brother. I do wish I had the option to walk or bike to most of my destinations, though.
I can absolutely see that. I know people who don't understand it's possible to walk to stores in an outdoor mall. That sounds like insanity to them. 'What do you mean walk? Is there something wrong with you?' is something along the lines of what I deal with when riding with others.
Well, the question for me is, why do you care? Then again, why do I care what you think and you should not care what I think either.

I am still going to jump in with my opinion.

Seriously, the whole thing is insulting. I am not fat (by the way, such a lame term), but I have friends and loved one who are not at a healthy weight.

Being cruel is not a joke. I call BS.
I care because people that do not care for their own health puts a burden on me and the US so called health system. I pay for those that smoke, do drugs and lay on their fat butts and eat everything. Obesity is a health care nightmare. Want to know what I really think?