GT Avalanche 0.5 vs Avanti Lightning


New Member
Aug 2, 2005
Heres the choice. GT Avalanche 0.5 '05 model versus Avanti Lightning '05 model. Both about the same prices - $900 for the Avanti, $999 for the GT (prices in Australian dollars, sorry you yanks). Both end of season, so good discounts. The GT is better cause it comes with eggbeater clip pedals included, has hydraulic discs, but im not sure how reliable the SRAM rear derailleurs are. The Avanti is better cause it has oil shocks, and LX rear derailleur, but only comes with 'normal' pedals and mechanical disks. The Avanti is also a bit cheaper too. If you guys could help me out.. or suggest another bike under the AU$1000 price range.. that would be great.