Happy to be Bent

bent squared

New Member
May 25, 2006
About 5 weeks ago I went for a ride on my Specialized Rockhopper MTB after a several year layoff in an effort to start regaining shape. Next morning, my back, and palms hurt badly, so I immediately started a search for a comfort bike. After a week of research on conventional DF's I was getting ready to pull the trigger on either a Specialized Sirrus Sport or a Cannondale Road Warrior 800. But, having bumped into a recumbent page, I decided to give a shot to this alternative. I test road numrerous bents for about 5 hours , could not make up my mind and was getting ready to bail. I decided to jump on a Rans Fusion and not 5 minutes later was laying out 9 benjamins+ to the now befuddled shop owner.
I really like the Fusion but must have contracted some kind of bent virus while at the shop. I couldn't sleep, I was tossing and turning and couldn't shake the bentitis. I found myself back there two weeks later and occupied another 4 hours on test rides. This time (to the delight of the shop owner) I left with a Rans Velocity.

I live in an area with a lot of hills and can do the same circuit much faster on the Fusion right now than on my Velocity, but I'm closing the gap. I've ridden some every day and am thoroughly happy with both bikes, but the Velocity definitely has first right of refusal.

I do have one other "bent" passion as in "bent rods" for tuna fishing. With the tuna in, and two nice rides in the garage, I have a feeling this is going to be a great summer.
Welcome to the Church of RANS(tm)! Those are two good choices. Of all the flat-foot bikes available, the RANS lineup is probably the most expensive, but then RANS is the only mfg of the bunch to take performance seriously when designing them. And ALL of the RANS recumbents are awesome! I think with those bikes you'll be riding way more than you originally anticipated.
blazingpedals said:
Welcome to the Church of RANS(tm)! Those are two good choices. Of all the flat-foot bikes available, the RANS lineup is probably the most expensive, but then RANS is the only mfg of the bunch to take performance seriously when designing them. And ALL of the RANS recumbents are awesome! I think with those bikes you'll be riding way more than you originally anticipated.

You're right. I rode 20+ for the first time today in many years. I had a tough time with a few of the hills on the return leg of the ride but it will come. My first distance (admittedly short) goal is to ride from my house to the Santa Ana River trail and then down to the in-laws. This is about 36mi.

Second goal is to ride to and from work one day (44mi round trip). Our plant manager has indicated he will convert one janitor room to a shower/dressing room if I make it. I haven't formulated goals beyond that yet.
I just got a bent 2 weeks ago, and I'm really enjoying it. I took a less expensive route, and bought a used Bike E. I may purchase something more extravagant at a later date - like after the kids are through college!