Happy Trails, America! But Where Are They?

Judging by the current national sentiment, Uncle Sam has once again
wandered off the happy trails on which we'd prefer him to ride. But
can we, just the usual joshing sidekick, possibly help him wend his
way back through the tumbleweeds? Well, at least, we can give it a go.

To begin, let's ask how the most sagely free and prosperous nation can
often wander so distressingly far from the path on which we may find
the preconditions of contentment, including the wide laudation of our
allies and even encouragement toward our own bliss?

What if we search for clues by separating what has guided us,
nationally and internationally, into two visions: the steps we, as a
nation, must take and the steps we choose to take.

Since we don't have much choice about what necessity compels, we're
more likely to mend our ways by casting a savvy eye on what we do by
volition. But just to review the various paths before us, so we find
our way home with unsurpassable security, let's briefly explore the
less promising paths for remediation.

Where does the ancient bugaboo, necessity, compel us to tread?

Nationally, pretty much all that's here is comparatively tame - the
generally recognized roles of government, such as providing for the
common defense, which, of course, includes whacking terrorist
everywhere, preserving the right of our citizens to wake up each
morning and be free to decide what they'd like to do, if only they
didn't have to go to work, and effecting the timely filling of

Internationally, we must, of course, cultivate our allies, encourage
our biggest adversaries toward reassuring behavior; and do what we can
to facilitate the rewards of almost-fair trade.

Since we have little or no choice about the above, we can only regard
them as signposts along the trail we ought to be on or as unavoidable
gopher holes we ought to approach
