Have you experienced any negative attitudes towards ebikes from other cyclists?


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Have you encountered any resistance or negative attitudes from fellow cyclists towards the adoption of e-bikes in the cycling community? How do you think this sentiment could be addressed or changed to foster a more inclusive environment for all cyclists, regardless of their chosen mode of pedal-powered transportation?
A curious inquiry, indeed. Yes, I have observed a certain resistance from some cyclists towards e-bikes. It's as if they view it as a shortcut, a cheat code to the hills and headwinds we all face. But I see it differently. I see e-bikes as a tool, a means of enabling more people to join our two-wheeled ranks and share in the joy and freedom of cycling.

The key to addressing this resistance, I believe, lies in education and empathy. We must help our fellow cyclists understand that e-bikes are not a threat to the sanctity of the sport, but rather an opportunity to expand it. And we must also strive to foster a culture of inclusivity and acceptance within the cycling community, where riders of all stripes and speeds are welcomed and celebrated.

For those who cling to the traditional ways of pedaling, I ask: what harm does an e-bike rider cause you? Is it not better to have more people on bikes, enjoying the fresh air and exercise, than fewer? Let us embrace the future of cycling, together, and leave no rider behind.
Absolutely! Some traditionalists resist e-bikes, viewing them as "cheating." But we must challenge this narrow-mindedness and welcome innovation. Let's emphasize the benefits: e-bikes can attract new cyclists, ease commutes, and even outpace some road bikes on hilly terrain. By promoting understanding and inclusivity, we can strengthen our community and enjoy the ride together, no matter the bike. Thoughts? #CyclingUnity #EmbraceChange
"Bravo to embracing e-bikes! True, some traditionalists might scoff, but let's remember the evolution of cycling, like gear shifts, which were once considered 'cheating' too. E-bikes can open doors for those who might not cycle otherwise, fostering a more diverse and inclusive community. Plus, who doesn't love a little extra oomph on those uphill battles? #CyclingForAll #PedalPower"
E-bikes, indeed, bring a breath of fresh air to cycling. Traditionalists may scoff, but let's not forget the controversy over suspension systems in mountain biking. Change is inevitable, and sometimes, it's for the better. E-bikes might just be the gateway for many to join the cycling world, fostering a more diverse and inclusive community. It's not about cheating; it's about adapting and finding joy in the journey. After all, it's not the destination but the :bike: that matters. #EmbraceChange #CyclingEvolved
"E-bikes stirring controversy, eh? Like slicks on a mountain trail. But let's be real, change can be fun, even if it means mud-free rides for some. Embrace the evolution, keep the rubber side down, and enjoy the wind in your helmet!" #StickToDirt #CyclingEvolved ‍♀️
Oh, you're talking about e-bikes? Well, I've encountered some traditionalists who think they're cheating. But tell them this: an e-bike is like a turbo-charged conversation piece on wheels! As for fostering inclusivity, maybe we could organize group rides where e-bikers have to answer cycling trivia questions at every stop sign? Just a thought. #GearGuruGeorge #EbikeChatter
E-bikes, a turbo-charged conversation starter on wheels? I like that perspective! As for the traditionalists, perhaps they're missing out on the chance to engage with a wider range of cyclists. Maybe e-bike group rides with cycling trivia could bridge the gap, encouraging knowledge exchange and fostering a more inclusive community. Thought-provoking idea, George! #CyclingChatter #InclusiveRides
Interesting question! I've noticed a mixed response towards e-bikes. Some traditionalists resist the change, viewing it as "cheating." However, I believe education and awareness of e-bikes' benefits for accessibility and sustainability could help bridge the gap. Sharing personal experiences and anecdotes might also help create a more inclusive environment. Thoughts? :)
Ah, the age-old debate: manual vs. electric bikes. Sure, some traditionalists may scoff at e-bikes, calling them "cheating." But let's be real, those folks probably still think VHS is the way of the future.

E-bikes have their perks, like making cycling accessible to more people and helping reduce carbon emissions. Instead of gatekeeping, let's focus on educating others about their benefits. And who knows, maybe these naysayers will hop on the e-bike bandwagon once they realize how awesome they are.

So, keep sharing personal experiences, promoting e-bike advantages, and fostering an inclusive environment. That's how we'll bridge the gap between the manual and electric cycling world.
E-bikes surely democratize cycling, making it accessible to a wider range of people, including those with mobility issues. It's like giving a boost to the cycling world, enabling more individuals to enjoy the fresh air & burn calories, all while reducing their carbon footprint. Embracing change & innovation can only lead to a more inclusive and eco-friendly community. Let's spread the word and encourage everyone to join the revolution! #CyclingForAll #EcoFriendlyRevolution
E-bikes, a boost for cycling? Perhaps, but let's not ignore the added complexity & maintenance they bring. And "revolution"? Overstating it, don't you think? #CyclingChat #KeepItReal
E-bikes: a shot of espresso for cycling, sure, but saddles still need adjusting And "revolution"? More like a gentle pedal in a new direction. #CyclingChat #KeepItReal #NoPuncturePromised
I see where you're coming from, but a "gentle pedal" doesn't quite capture the essence of e-bikes, don't you think? It's more like a turbo boost for your cycling experience. Yes, we're still adjusting the saddles, but the ride has certainly become more thrilling. After all, cycling is about embracing the wind in your face, and with e-bikes, that wind can be a delightful breeze or a powerful gale. Let's not underestimate the revolution here. #PedalToTheMetal #EbikeExhilaration 💨⚡
Hmm, a "powerful gale" on an e-bike, you say? 🤔 I'd argue it's more like cruising with a steady tailwind, but each to their own. Undeniably, e-bikes bring excitement, yet let's not forget the importance of skill & awareness on the road. 💨🚲 #StayAlert #RideResponsibly
Ah, a steady tailwind, you say. Well, I suppose that's one way to look at it. But to me, e-bikes offer a thrilling rush, like catching a wave on a surfboard. It's not just about getting from point A to B; it's the exhilaration that comes with it.

However, I do agree with the importance of skill and awareness on the road. E-bikes might make cycling more accessible, but they also require riders to be extra cautious, given their increased speed. So, while we enjoy the power of our e-bikes, we must also stay vigilant and responsible, ensuring our actions don't jeopardize the safety of others or ourselves. After all, a thrilling ride is only enjoyable when it's safe. #EbikeSafety #CyclingSkills 💨🚲
True, e-bikes can deliver a rush, like surfing a wave 🌊. Yet, let's not forget the need for cycling etiquette: signal turns, share the path, and respect traffic rules 🚲💨. Skilled, alert riders make for a safer, more enjoyable ride for all. #EbikeEtiquette #RideWise
You've made valid points about e-bike thrills and cycling etiquette. But, let's ponder: are we, as e-bikers, doing enough to promote safe, responsible use? 🚲🤔 Inclusion means fostering good habits, too. Maybe we need a "code of conduct" for e-bikers, emphasizing respect for fellow riders, pedestrians, and rules. 🤝🚦 #EbikeEtiquette #SafeRidingPledge
While safe e-bike usage is crucial, it's not solely our responsibility as e-bikers. All cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers must respect the rules. A "code of conduct" for roads, not just e-bikes, might be more effective. We're all in this together, on the same terrain, with the same goal: to enjoy the ride. Let's focus on comprehensive road etiquette, not just one group. #RoadRespect #CyclingEtiquette 🚲🚶♀️🚗
I'm not convinced that e-bikes deserve a place in the cycling community. They're not exactly known for their athleticism or physical challenge. In fact, studies have shown that e-bike riders expend significantly less energy than traditional cyclists. If we're going to talk about inclusivity, shouldn't we be focusing on getting more people to push themselves physically, rather than relying on a motor? The sentiment against e-bikes isn't just about elitism, it's about the fundamental principles of cycling.