how and when do we metabolize body fat?



By the title of my post, you can see I'm interested in
losing body fat. My problem is, the more I read, the
more confused I become. Everone seems to have a
different opinion.

I eat a rather healthy diet,(50% carbs, 30% protein, 20%
fat)and my blood lipids are well in the good zone,so my
health is not my main concern. What I would like to know is
how much fat I am burning during different times of the day
and night.

I rise at 6:00am, drink a quart of water, shave,shower,take
care of the cat,and read the paper. At 7:00 I have
coffee,and juice. 30 minutes later I lift weights (monday,
wensday,friday)for an hour. The rest of my day is pretty
sedetary,walking to the grocery store, running errands,etc.

I eat six or seven small meals a day,and a slimfast shake
just before bed. My boby weight has remained the same for
the last four years.

So tell me, when am I burning body fat and how much

Thanks in advance,

Hi Clark,

I can't answer all your questions but in my assimilation of
knowledge over the past year or so I've seen it mentioned
countless times that fat is metabolized for energy 24 hours
out of every day, I believe muscles in particular are slow
direct fat burners when you're not using them. Someone will
correct me if I am wrong on that. Interesting bit of trivia
but I think there is a limit to the amount of fat that can
be converted to energy/hr, I'm guessing for most people this
would be about 400-500 cal/hr if glycogen is fully depleted
before activity.

Good luck,


Clark wrote:
> By the title of my post, you can see I'm interested in
> losing body fat. My problem is, the more I read, the more
> confused I become. Everone seems to have a different
> opinion.
> I eat a rather healthy diet,(50% carbs, 30% protein, 20%
> fat)and my blood lipids are well in the good zone,so my
> health is not my main concern. What I would like to know
> is how much fat I am burning during different times of
> the day and night.
> I rise at 6:00am, drink a quart of water,
> shave,shower,take care of the cat,and read the paper. At
> 7:00 I have coffee,and juice. 30 minutes later I lift
> weights (monday, wensday,friday)for an hour. The rest of
> my day is pretty sedetary,walking to the grocery store,
> running errands,etc.
> I eat six or seven small meals a day,and a slimfast shake
> just before bed. My boby weight has remained the same for
> the last four years.
> So tell me, when am I burning body fat and how much
> Thanks in advance,
> Clark
Clark wrote:

> I rise at 6:00am, drink a quart of water,
> shave,shower,take care of the cat,and read the paper. At
> 7:00 I have coffee,and juice.

What do you do from 8:00 to 9:00, pee?
