How Does Advil Effect Training?

Gary Semics

New Member
Nov 23, 2015
Lisbon, Ohio USA
I had a surprise this morning on my Cycle Ops Fluid 2 trainer. I pulled a muscle in my low back yesterday. I went on 2 Advil every 4 hours. After I took 4 doses from yesterday afternoon until this morning I got on my cycle trainer to do a 1 hour workout. My back felt fine but I was really surprised at how low my HR was throughout the workout. My average speed was 19 with an average HR of just 127. I did this same workout last week with an average speed of 19.1 and an average HR of 145. Both workouts felt just as hard. The only difference was the Advils. I feel kind of sleepy and tired today too. Anyone else had this type of experience from taking Advil?

I'm in good shape for 61 and have done just over 5,000 miles this year.
Similar age and around 7K miles so far this year. 145 would be close to my road average BPM at that speed. 127 would be a recovery ride. I've hit 190+ a few times, but 180 to 185 is my 'normal' max. over tough climbs, covering attacks or chasing down riders.

No experience with Advil, so I'll be interested in hearing the effects it may have on HR.

I use Bayer aspirin, but that doesn't work on my lower back (1993 fractures to L1 and L2 and a lifetime of work wrecking what's left of it) and I don't think I've tracked any lowering of my HR when doing 10-15 tablets in a day's time.
I haven't got any replies here but have done some searches with the key words "advil and endurance". There are many articles on the subject. Here's one:

You could probably find a lot on aspirin and endurance also.

At your age how is it possible to get your HR between 180 and 185? In the last year the highest I've reached on the road bike was 166. The highest I reached on the motocross bike was 171.