Looking For Some Advice On Getting A Mountain Bike


New Member
Jun 25, 2015
A few weeks ago I went to Oleta State park in Miami, FL. and hit the trails with one of the rental bikes (some specialized hardtails) that they had and it was AWESOME. I have not had such a good time like that since I was a kid. I use to bike everywhere when I was a kid and teenager, I had a silver gary fisher hardtail and I rode the hell out of that bike. I stopped riding after I got a car but then was totally turned off by it when I would ride and my testicles would fall asleep and have killer pains in my prostate while riding/the following day. While I rode on the trail at Oleta i also had that problem, I read that getting a bike seat that has no nose will alleviate that issue. Maybe someone can shine some light on that for me?

Sorry for the digression, but after having such a great time at the trail I have been thinking about getting a bike and starting to ride again. I have been looking around the internet, reading forums, and researching but I am so confused on all the specs that are out there. The purpose of my post is I was hoping someone could give me some advice on what bike to get?

I am looking for a bike that I can take to beginner/intermediate trails and also ride it on pavement. I read that 29 inch wheels are the best to get for mountain bikes now days. Also a full suspension would be great. I am 6' 4" 250lbs and I am looking to spend $1000 and under. The bike does not need to be new it can be a used killer bike or a newer not so great bike but quality bike. I want a bike that I will enjoy have a great time and have it last a few years. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
29ers are great bikes. I have a Marin Muirwoods 29er that doubles as an urban assault bike and MTB. It doesn't have full suspension with a rigid steel fork but you don't need it with a 29er when you can mount balloon tires on it. They will provide all the suspension you could possibly want.
New you can forget full suspension. You pretty much need to double your budget to get a decent new full suspension. You can find a pretty good hardtail new for $1k though. With hardtails the name on the frame barely matters. Full suspension it matters more sense everybody has their own rear suspension setups. Basically look for something with at least midrange drivetrain bits on it (x5 sram or deore shimano) or better and try to avoid suntour suspensions. For $1k new you can probably find a hardtail with a rockshox recon silver or at the very lest a XC32 fork. $1k can get you a nice used bike but it helps if you already know a decent amount about what you want and are looking at.


that site can help some

As for the prostate thing. Bike shorts, try different seats, and adjusting the angle of the seat.

Personally I'd get that bike with your budget but it is online only so no test ride and I can understand not being comfortable with that. Unless you can find a left over last year's model at a LBS or another good deal on line it is hard to beat. The tires on it are **** but not a deal breaker. Jenson, REI, pricepoint, ebay with marin bikes(they were really blowing out last year models a few months ago but you still might find a few) and a few other I"m forgetting if going buying on line without test riding is something you are comfortable with doing. All of those places often have deals on last year's bikes that can be pretty good.
My primary concern with mountain bikes here is the cost. As I had posted in another thread, a folding bike costs 17,500 pesos, roughly $400. A good mountain bike would cost more than that especially those with what they call titanium (is this correct?) frames. That is the reason why until now I still have no new mountain bike because I cannot justify the cost. My husband is a very practical person so it's not easyh to convince him.
Don't get one that's really costly, it's not that necessary. Going to a shop and then deciding upon it would be best, don't worry about materials, they don't differ much in terms of strength really.
"Sounds like you had a blast on that rental bike. But let's be real, nothing compares to the feeling of owning your own high-quality ride. And as for your testicle discomfort while riding, maybe it's time to invest in some padded shorts. It's not rocket science, people."
Riding a bike can indeed be a liberating experience, transporting you back to a time of simplicity and freedom. However, the discomfort you mentioned is not uncommon among male cyclists. It's crucial to prioritize your health and comfort, even while indulging in your passion.

Have you considered investing in a quality bike seat designed for male anatomy? It could significantly reduce the discomfort you're experiencing. And while you're at it, why not level up your cycling game with clipless pedals? They offer better control and efficiency, enhancing your overall riding experience.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always wear a helmet and follow traffic rules to ensure your safety and the safety of others. After all, we wouldn't want anything to jeopardize your newfound love for cycling.

Happy trails, my friend. ;)
Valid points, but let's not overlook the importance of a proper bike fit. Ill-fitting frames can cause discomfort, regardless of the seat. And sure, clipless pedals are great, but they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consider your skill level and cycling goals before making the switch.
You're right, a proper bike fit is essential for comfortable and efficient cycling. An ill-fitting frame can indeed lead to discomfort, regardless of the seat. It's crucial to get a professional bike fit to ensure your bike fits you perfectly.

As for clipless pedals, while they're not a one-size-fits-all solution, they can significantly improve power transfer and pedaling efficiency, especially for serious cyclists. However, they do require some practice and skill to use safely and effectively.

Moreover, cycling apparel and accessories, such as padded shorts and gloves, can also help reduce discomfort and improve the overall cycling experience. It's important to invest in high-quality gear that suits your individual needs and preferences.

In summary, a proper bike fit, clipless pedals, and high-quality gear are all essential components of a comfortable and efficient cycling experience.
Sure, a proper bike fit and quality gear can make a difference. But let's not forget that cycling is still a physical activity that requires effort and endurance. You can have the best bike and gear, but if you're not in shape, you'll still feel uncomfortable. And as for clipless pedals, they're not a magic solution. They can improve pedaling efficiency, but they also require a learning curve and can increase the risk of injury if not used correctly. So, before you blame your bike or gear for discomfort, consider your own fitness level and skills. Just saying. 🚲💨