my shins are killing me!!


New Member
Apr 8, 2007

firstly i looked through a couple of forums and wasn't sure which was the right one so if i am in the wrong place please forgive me, but do you know the answer anyway?

today i had a wonderful time on my bike, i'm a one day a week person and did 24 miles in 2hr 30mins i'm not sure if that is good but it impressed me;) anyway the Q is why do my shins ache really really bad now? usually i do about 1-2hrs and about 16miles. & have never had this kind of pain before, is this shin splits? and i thought you could only get those from cycling or is it just my legs getting revenge on me:confused:
saphire said:
... is this shin splits? and i thought you could only get those from cycling or is it just my legs getting revenge on me:confused:
It sounds like you're just feeling muscles you don't use too often. Adding 50% to your normal ride length when you're only riding once a week is a pretty big jump. Not necessarily a problem since 24 miles is still a relatively short ride, but it's not surprising that you feel some aches and pains. I wouldn't worry about shin pain unless it's really severe, knees always get my attention but you've probably just overworked the small muscles down there while spinning round and round.

Once a week cycling is tough, if you can find a way to get even half an hour to an hour once or twice more per week your body will thank you. The problem is that it takes time to get various body parts (your rear end for instance) used to the bike. Once a week isn't really enough to get your body used to the bike and I doubt you'll get much training benefit beyond burning some calories.

Good luck,
daveryanwyoming said:
It sounds like you're just feeling muscles you don't use too often. Adding 50% to your normal ride length when you're only riding once a week is a pretty big jump. Not necessarily a problem since 24 miles is still a relatively short ride, but it's not surprising that you feel some aches and pains. I wouldn't worry about shin pain unless it's really severe, knees always get my attention but you've probably just overworked the small muscles down there while spinning round and round.

Once a week cycling is tough, if you can find a way to get even half an hour to an hour once or twice more per week your body will thank you. The problem is that it takes time to get various body parts (your rear end for instance) used to the bike. Once a week isn't really enough to get your body used to the bike and I doubt you'll get much training benefit beyond burning some calories.

Good luck,
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, i occasionaly manage an hr or so in the week, occasionaly, yes i now have my bum well and turly adjusted - no more completes there anymore :p
thanks for you assurance