Now addicted to crit racing, looking for upgrade advice.


New Member
Jun 8, 2014
So I just completed my first crit race (Tulsa tough). I raced in the crit V. I've been going to local weekly races for training and experience. Here is the deal I ride a trek 2300 (2004) with an old Mavric Cosmos wheel set from about the same time period. I was thinking I should upgrade the whole bike but the more I read the more people say they rec using an aluminum frame for the rigidity and durability for crits.I'm willing to spend $1500-2000. My question is then... What is my best course of action? Keep the 2300 and get a wheel upgrade, trade the whole bike in? Then of course if I trade the bike in, what should I get? I would like to win some cat Vs and possibly eventually compete at cat IV. I am getting killed in cat v now. I need some help. Now I know there will be some of you that say you should be able to do that now with training, and skill. I'm working on those aspects,but some upgrades could really help. So what do you guys think. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Criteriums must be a gateway drug.

My advice is, if you're going to upgrade the old Trek, do it with something that can be carried over to your next bike, because nobody is going to interested in a 2300 with 11-speed Ultegra on it.

I'd think about it some more and then think about a new Cannondale CAAD10. Just a suggestion.
I'll second the CAAD10 if you're looking for really nice aluminum. I was on one for a week and loved it. Very stiff frame that goes when you put power down. Made my carbon Z5 feel mushy.
Originally Posted by frostyrider

So I just completed my first crit race (Tulsa tough). I raced in the crit V. I've been going to local weekly races for training and experience. Here is the deal I ride a trek 2300 (2004) with an old Mavric Cosmos wheel set from about the same time period.

I was thinking I should upgrade the whole bike but the more I read the more people say they rec using an aluminum frame for the rigidity and durability for crits.I'm willing to spend $1500-2000. My question is then... What is my best course of action? Keep the 2300 and get a wheel upgrade, trade the whole bike in? Then of course if I trade the bike in, what should I get?

I would like to win some cat Vs and possibly eventually compete at cat IV. I am getting killed in cat v now. I need some help. Now I know there will be some of you that say you should be able to do that now with training, and skill. I'm working on those aspects,but some upgrades could really help. So what do you guys think. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
The bike is not going to make a bit of difference between you getting killed in the Cat 5s or not getting killed. That's all on you.

With that said, I'd go for a whole new bike. Real racing wheels, as you may have noticed, can easily cost as much as a new bike. That's also totally unnecessary, but a cool thing to get later on. But getting a comfortable, functional bike upgrade should come before that.

I don't know about AL for rigidity. You mean stiffness? You can get very stiff al or carbon frames. Many different options, but it's not going to matter. I always raced on AL until I got carbon. Now I'd never go back to AL if I had a choice. Personal preference.

There are a good number of options out there for that price range. Best bet is to go to a local shop and talk to them and maybe go on a test ride or two. That'll get you far more info than random advice from random strangers on the internet.
needmoreair said:
The bike is not going to make a bit of difference between you getting killed in the Cat 5s or not getting killed. That's all on you.
There he is! Anyway, I get what you are saying. I do not believe that I will suddenly start winning cat V with a new bike and or wheels. At my fitness level now I can stay with the pack for about 10 mins of a 30min race. After you loss the pack it's all over(as you all know). I'm looking for my next purchase to maybe keep me up there another 5min or so. I feel like that would be reasonable, and get me more pack experience. I was already the oldest guy in my field. I don't want the oldest bike as well! That puts you in a bit of a hole. If I could avoid being lapped that would be a win for me. It's the little wins guys!
needmoreair said:
Many different options, but it's not going to matter. I always raced on AL until I got carbon. Now I'd never go back to AL if I had a choice. Personal preference.  There are a good number of options out there for that price
Believe me I would like to ride carbon but I've heard at my price range a good aluminum bike is probably a better option than a cheap carbon one.
Originally Posted by frostyrider

Believe me I would like to ride carbon but I've heard at my price range a good aluminum bike is probably a better option than a cheap carbon one.
Not true. You can grab a previous model year, good carbon bike for well within your price range.
Originally Posted by frostyrider

Believe me I would like to ride carbon but I've heard at my price range a good aluminum bike is probably a better option than a cheap carbon one.
Sounds like you're hearing from a rather one-dimensional source. Here are some ideas with 11 speed Ultegra for a few bucks under 2k, though a bit more searching will turn up far more options.
Originally Posted by frostyrider

There he is! Anyway, I get what you are saying. I do not believe that I will suddenly start winning cat V with a new bike and or wheels. At my fitness level now I can stay with the pack for about 10 mins of a 30min race. After you loss the pack it's all over(as you all know). I'm looking for my next purchase to maybe keep me up there another 5min or so. I feel like that would be reasonable, and get me more pack experience. I was already the oldest guy in my field. I don't want the oldest bike as well! That puts you in a bit of a hole. If I could avoid being lapped that would be a win for me. It's the little wins guys!
I only mentioned it because you mentioned it. You didn't have to mention it, but perhaps you did as a means of justifying getting a new bike?

Sorry, no, a new bike will also not keep you from getting dropped. There's not that big a difference, and I'm speaking from direct experience. You certainly don't have to justify wanting a new bike, though, especially in a bike forum!

If that new bike gets you motivated to ride and train more, though, that's a good bonus. :d
Well I'll keep researching my options. Thanks for the links needmoreair. I was planning on looking online and hitting up the LBS this summer and buying in the fall. Hopefully I'll be a little better informed by then. I'll welcome any more advice you guys are willing to give me.