One Gear, No Idea.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
Have you ever heard of Chris Akrigg? He is one of the U.K's most progressive cyclists. He is not really in the news like some of our other hero's as he doesn't do much racing, but he is really helping to redefine what is possible on a bike.
I have a video below that is appropriate for this sub, but i think anyone would be impressed with his skills.

Check it out!
Wow, he's good. I guess I'm never really had a true single speed. I don't remember having any gears on the bike I had as s kid, but you couldn't pedal backward like that, it was a brake. I had no Indra they made bikes that could go backwards like that.
The combination of excellent balance, superb fitness, willingness to push the limits, a high tolerance for pain, and amazing reflexes and coordination make the movie very entertaining. I've seen that white horse from a distance, far below in the plain. I'm sure Chris bicycled up there -- maybe to the mortification of the locals in that area, who treasure the horse. Seeing him inside the building made me think of Roger Moore in one of the opening sequences where Blofeld radio controls the helicopter transporting Bond, from the roof of an abandoned building.

I live in an area that has rolling hills and I'm at the fitness level that a single speed demands. It will sure make a man out of me if I decide to get one.

DancingLady said:
Wow, he's good. I guess I'm never really had a true single speed. I don't remember having any gears on the bike I had as s kid, but you couldn't pedal backward like that, it was a brake. I had no Indra they made bikes that could go backwards like that.
It's a fixed gear bike, also known as a "fixie."
Very common in major cities, especially ones with lots of "hipsters" (Portland, Toronto ect)
The rear hub is fixed to the gear, it's not a freewheel. It's just like a track bike. So when the wheel moves the pedal moves, there is no coasting.
That's how he get's it to move backwards.
BikeBikeBikeBike said:
It's a fixed gear bike, also known as a "fixie."
Very common in major cities, especially ones with lots of "hipsters"
As a hipster I can confirm that fixies are indeed out bread and butter. Right up there with vaping, obscure pop culture references, and vinyl collections.

I hadn't heard about Chris Akrigg before now, but I'll deffinetely be doing a little digging after seeing all that! I am interested in what brand and specific model of bike that was though, because it looks nice and the ride seems sooo smooth.
This guy is a champion in my opinion. However, I remember having a single speed bicycle as a kid and I hated it since the uphills were almost impossible to do when you couldn't change a lower gear.
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Yeah I remember my single speed when I was young. My friend had a gear bike and I still climbed hills better than him! :D
Wow, talented guy. That first backdrop in the decaying mill house was fantastic. Fixed gear isn't my thing, mainly because I can't get to grips with it, but I take my hat off to anyone who can do the stuff he does with one. Nice vid, thanks.
As a hipster I can confirm that fixies are indeed out bread and butter. Right up there with vaping, obscure pop culture references, and vinyl collections.

I hadn't heard about Chris Akrigg before now, but I'll deffinetely be doing a little digging after seeing all that! I am interested in what brand and specific model of bike that was though, because it looks nice and the ride seems sooo smooth.

As someone who claims not to be a hipster I'm surprised to see everything I'm about in that post. Looks like I just learned a lot about myself lol.

This guy is pretty awesome at it. We have some great guys here too but they don't do anything like riding on fences and what not. I also admire his practice spot and the effort he goes through to get his bike up there.
As someone who claims not to be a hipster I'm surprised to see everything I'm about in that post. Looks like I just learned a lot about myself lol.

This guy is pretty awesome at it. We have some great guys here too but they don't do anything like riding on fences and what not. I also admire his practice spot and the effort he goes through to get his bike up there.

Chris is a one in a million, he rides harder in one day then most of us will all year.
Plus that's in a country where there are maybe 10 days of good riding weather!
He always makes me feel like I don't put in enough pedal time, but I love watching him.
He's got a new vid out where he rides to the pub...
Neat tricks, it's really amazing on how he controls the bike, you really need to be really fit to those tricks, it needs a lot of balance, energy and ower. It can never be done using a free wheel, though I never had a chance to try a fixed gear bike because, all bikes here are free wheels.