


I really need new pedals. My current ones are the ones you
get with the KH20 (Wellgo platform pedals, I think) and the
pins are almost completely gone. A lot of the time when I do
a hop or a drop or something, my foot comes off, making it
sort of difficult to land.

The ones I was looking at are these: 'Bulletproof Alloy
( or
( or
( 'Primo
Super Tenderizer'

Which ones will last me the longest? Also, I'm going to
(hopefully) install some grind plates soon. Is there a
certain kind that makes it easier?

James_Potter - Rettop_Semaj

-If there was an eleventh commandment, it is to be "thou shalt dip thy
pizza, for it is, wicked."-
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never used any of those, but i use gusset pedals they seem
to be reasonably priced, have a amazing grip and stand up to
some abuse, dont know if you can get them though, i think
theyre mainly sold in the UK. gusset make grind pltes to fit
these pedals.

who at the BUC had those clear atomlab pedals? are they in
production or do i remember reading somewhere they were

tom_edmonds - Finally...less talking, more riding

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I use the "Super Primo Tenderizers" for trials and they work
great. I have had them for about 2 years. At first they are
a little on the heavy side, but after a week of riding you
don't notice the heavieness anymore. They are great for
attaching grind plates to. Today i am making the "DIY grind
plate" that Mango invented.


sabin_a. - close to expert

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I use Primo Magnesium Tenderizers on my trials uni, which
are a lot lighter than the regular ones (25% I think), but
they don't stand up to grinding as well as the regulars, not
really an issue with me as I have no interest in grinding.
Despite having quite short pins, which is obviously a plus
for pedal/crank grabs, the grip is good due to the concave
shape of the body of the pedal, this makes them good for uni-
spins etc. Definately recommend them for trials.

On my muni I have Azonic A-frames which are super grippy and
have quite thin bodies which is nice to ride on. Probably
not too great for pedal/crank grabs as they have long pins
which may bend. Bit pricey too.

Have DMR V8s on my 29er which I did have on both my muni and
trials, they are pretty good, grippy and have a greaseport
for easy maintainance. Reasonable price.

Oh yeah, I've heard great things about Odessey Southgates
and some other model that I can't remember (begins with C)
from both unicyclists and BMX riders.

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
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I reccommend 'Eastern' (
pedals. They are incredibly grippy and seem to hold up
fairly well.

'Product review' (

Bonduranto - Awesome(but not at uniing)

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The Atomlab balistics are in production, last I heard. I
think they've been out for a couple years now. I think
they're a bit spendy for what you get.

I'v got a pair of atomlab Trailkings, which have most
excellent grip. However, im expecting the bearings to go out
on me sometime soon, and they're rediculusly expensive. I'v
had decent luck with the odessey twisted pro's, and for the
short time I used the primo's they held out well, a bit
heavy though. I'd recommend against the bulletproof's
though, for me they always have too small a platform to be
comfortable. At least, that;s what I'v found.

Max_Dingemans - Hey Look, who's that?

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Max_Dingemans wrote:
> *The Atomlab balistics are in production, last I heard. I
> think they've been out for a couple years now. I think
> they're a bit spendy for what you get.
> I'v got a pair of atomlab Trailkings, which have most
> excellent grip. However, im expecting the bearings to go
> out on me sometime soon, and they're rediculusly
> expensive. *

The Atomlab Ballistic pedals (the ones made out of Lexan or
bulletproof glass) are no longer in production.

For 2004 all of the Atomlab platform pedals have a
bearingless design. They use bushings instead of sealed or
loose ball bearings. A bearingless design means there's no
bearings to break. I haven't tried any of their bearingless
pedals yet, so I don't know how well they do for muni and
trials. Someone is going to have to try them. See the
'Atomlab website' ( for more info.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

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one wheeled stallion wrote:
> *...having quite short pins, which is obviously a plus for
> pedal/crank grabs...*

Why do short pins help? I use snafu's, and they rock! They
also have long pins, which gives more grip and grabs ledges
better for pedalgrabs and also help with getting over round
rails. The long pins are a MUST for trying to pedalgrab
over extremely thin stuff like 2x4s, chain link fences, and
round rails. Also, I like the snafu's because they don't
have any center pins, so there's nothing in the way on
pedalgrabs onto sklinnies. Also, they have a tiny bit less
grip than stuff like the Eastons, so it's easier to adjust
your foot when it inevitably gets misplaced. The only
downer I have on them is I recently ripped two pins out of
the left pedal (both during falls, not normal pedalgrabs),
on two different sides, so now both sides are kinda
unstable for going to rubber on gangly surfaces. Not that I
can complain, since they were free, with just a sheared pin
and some scratches (although I think the threads were a bit
stressed already). New ones should last you a while. I also
like the concave shape.

Whatever you do, don't buy anything for more than about $30,
unless you're loaded. Every pedal will eventually wear out,
and if you're doing grinds, it'll be sooner rather than
later. Basically, don't use $100 pedals for street, when
they'll dissolve after 2 grinds. Also, if you find yourself
missing hops and slamming your pedals onto the object after
you miss the hop, don't get anything where the pin goes all
the way through the body. They'll just push through and
strip out the holes.

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
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I also have worn out welgos, I am either getting the
odessy1's,odessy3's or the snafu peddles. my friend has the
snafus on his bike and he says there great. so thats what
i'm most likely to buy.

Mike_Foote - Violinist and Unicyclist

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The Jim Cielencki odyseey's are ok the pins pop out in pedal
grabs from what I hear.

The Primo Pro's have a good feel to them

I personally like DK iron Crosses alot although they are
tanks. Check out Albes and Dan's comp. If you ride alot
spend the extra cash for some sealed bearings it makes
things alot easier down the road.

Checkernuts - Me Fail English? That's Unpossible

No one said it was gonna be easy and I'm not afraid to try, with the
odds stacked up against me I will have to fight, One Life One Wheel got
to do it right. H20

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artists, I'm done with elephants and clowns, I want to runaway and join
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Hey Mike, don't you find the center of the iron crosses to
be a bit buisy with the pins. That must make pedalgrabs onto
round stuff harder, right?

Also, why sealed? I find that non-sealed holds up better,
because they can be rebuilt, while if play developes in
sealed, it's there forever.

BTW, my snafus are unsealed.

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
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Personally I find longer pins are more likely to bend when
they hit at an angle, and then don't want to come out! Plus
I prefer shorter pins so I can shuffle a bit easier into a
better position, although for good trials riders, it's
probably not an issue!

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
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gerblefranklin wrote:
> *Hey Mike, don't you find the center of the iron crosses
> to be a bit buisy with the pins. That must make pedalgrabs
> onto round stuff harder, right?
> Also, why sealed? I find that non-sealed holds up better,
> because they can be rebuilt, while if play developes in
> sealed, it's there forever.
> BTW, my snafus are unsealed. *

I havent had any problems grabbing round things with the
extra pins they just do their thing and grip really well. I
do find the iron crosses shitty for grinds on some surfaces
I just swap out for some Odyssey twisted PC composits when
I'm riding street.

I have had the oppisite experence with sealed vs unsealed
pedals, sealed pedals are easier to maintain and for me last
alot longer I have yet to replace the bearings on any of my
sealed pedals. Where I have some trashed unsealed pedals
that I dont use anymore. Also I dont know what your talking
about with play developing in sealed pedals that can not be
fixed, I cant see what would cause that.

Checkernuts - Me Fail English? That's Unpossible

No one said it was gonna be easy and I'm not afraid to try, with the
odds stacked up against me I will have to fight, One Life One Wheel got
to do it right. H20

My circus train pulls throught the night, full of lions and trapize
artists, I'm done with elephants and clowns, I want to runaway and join
the office.
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