PowerTap data download troubleshooting


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
Howdy folks:

After using a friend's PowerTap for a few days I was finally spurred on to buy my own. Wanted to for a long time, but we procrastinators... It's a slightly used (150 miles or so) PowerTap hub, that came on a Bontrager Aero wheel (16-spoke), but doesn't say CycleOps on it anywhere. Supposedly a 2005, but the manual is dated 8/01. It looks pretty much like this, but not with the newer yellow computer (mine is black):


My friend's newer PowerTap has the USB dock. I was easily able to set up the PowerAgent software to accept downloads from his unit to my PC (Windows XP). Fun!

The problem: My old PowerTap came with a serial dock. I haven't been able to get that to download to my PC. I can't get it to display "host" for starters.

I still have my friend's dock and PowerTap, so I tried the serial dock with his newer PowerTap; no go. His display read "host" but PowerAgent only showed "Unknown device" in the "Select a device" box. Then I tried my old PowerTap with his USB dock; no go. In neither case could I get mine to display "host," though his did. That may be the issue. The manual I got doesn't even mention a dock. Did these older PowerTaps not support downloading data?

Any ideas??? A search didn't help. TIA!
I believe the older PowerTaps ie the black ones will only work on the serial cable. If you're using a USB cradle you'll need to get a newer yellow head unit.

I had an old black PT unit and went for USB downloading and had the same problem. I got a newer yellow computer and all was fine.

Don't be too upset - the new models are much better. More memory, more reliable, time of day (very handy) and can work as basic speedo computers if you're not using the PT wheel.

They pop up on eBay from time to time, or you can order a new one. Try contacting Cycleops direct - they may be able to help you with some sort of upgrade deal.
I don't have a serial port on my PC, nor do I have a Saris serial port for my PowerTap.... but a couple of things to look at.

1. Are you sure the serial port is enabled in BIOS? Can you plug something else in, such as a mouse, and get it too work.

2. If it's enabled in BIOS and there's still no love for the Saris interface, is there somewhere within the Saris/Powertap programs to specific what serial interface that's to be used (COM1 or COM2)

3. Check in Windows firewall under the Advanced tab to see if COM1 (or whichever one you need) is listed as an exception. If you don't use Windows firewall then check with which ever one you do use.

It may be that your older PT is not compatible with his newer PT dock, which is why it never displayed 'host'.... Check with saris to see if a serial to USB adaptor cable is a viable idea and if so, what makes are recommended.
Thanks for the replies. I did try to check the COM1 port, but have no other serial devices to test it with, but I'll dig around some more. It sounds like the serial cable and my old Powertap should work though; that's nice to know.
Found this on the Saris web site:

Serial Cradle Users

***PLEASE NOTE: PowerAgent 7.2 no longer supports Serial Device Communication. USB Download Cradles can be purchased on our website or over the phone. If you do not want to purchase a USB Cradle, you may continue to use PowerAgent 7.0.1.
One question answered! :( But that still doesn't explain why I can't get my old PowerTap to download with my friend's USB dock. I will try to install an old version of PowerAgent.
DennistheMennis said:
Anybody have a copy of Power Agent 7.0.1? Can't seem to find one online. TIA!
I don't, but a quick email to Saris's tech support might send you the goodies that you desire...
swampy1970 said:
I don't, but a quick email to Saris's tech support might send you the goodies that you desire...
Thanks. Yes, one would think so. But they only have the newest version available for download (v7.4.2, which is quite nice). When I asked Saris, they said I should buy a newer CPU and the USB dock, as they don't support the older serial-based products. $199.98. I would rather not explain that to my wife, who already balked at me buying the cheapest used Power Tap I could find. :eek:

Oh well. A friend had an older Power Agent installer CD, but it is v7.1.1, so still not old enough. Will keep digging...
I've uploaded it here

hope it works - seem to remember it needing some old version of the java runtime?
Thanks again for taking the time to post the 7.0.1 installer, liversedge. I also uninstalled my newer Java, and found an old version on the Java Web site (that seems to be what they required).

I feel like I'm almost there, but now when I launch Power Agent I get an error message indicating that the Java classes, apparently installed by the Power Agent installer, are unsupported. What else do I need? Was there a Power Agent Java installer? Or do I need to uninstall everything and start over or something?

Hi Dennis,

According to this page on the saris website you need 1.5 or higher of the jre for 7.0.1 - so ironically you may have uninstalled a version that worked. I used version but reckon 1.5.anything should do you?

The sun java archives are pretty good - you can get jre 1.5 from this page scroll down and the jre 5 update 17 is listed for download.

good luck.
liversedge said:
Hi Dennis,

According to this page on the saris website you need 1.5 or higher of the jre for 7.0.1 - so ironically you may have uninstalled a version that worked. I used version but reckon 1.5.anything should do you?

The sun java archives are pretty good - you can get jre 1.5 from this page scroll down and the jre 5 update 17 is listed for download.

good luck.
Oops, will try that. The program did request that older 1.4 version when I test-launched "sans" Java, but that must have been in error. That version was so old it even mentioned "Netscape 6"!

And thanks, liversedge, for the quick reply too!
Have you considered using TrainingPeaks WKO+ software?
We download the older and newer powertaps no problem.


DennistheMennis said:
Thanks. Yes, one would think so. But they only have the newest version available for download (v7.4.2, which is quite nice). When I asked Saris, they said I should buy a newer CPU and the USB dock, as they don't support the older serial-based products. $199.98. I would rather not explain that to my wife, who already balked at me buying the cheapest used Power Tap I could find. :eek:

Oh well. A friend had an older Power Agent installer CD, but it is v7.1.1, so still not old enough. Will keep digging...
Hunter w/kg said:
Have you considered using TrainingPeaks WKO+ software?
We download the older and newer powertaps no problem.

Thanks Hunter! Yes, I have, but it isn't as cheap as using Power Agent; free! ;) Since you guys (assuming you are Hunter Allen?) do have a trial version I will install that and see if my CPU works. That is a good idea.

But I am starting to think my CPU has an internal problem: I've discovered that mine also has a tendency to sporadically lose the data connection to the hub, even though I replaced all the batteries. I tested the whole Power Tap kit by putting my friend's CPU on my bike in place of my CPU. His CPU works perfectly when I put it on my bike. So the wiring and hub seem to be fine. Heart-rate chest strap too.

The original issue is that my CPU doesn't download ride data to my PC. The serial-cable dock is probably not the problem, because mine should also work on a USB dock (I have been told; but mine is old so who really knows), but USB doesn't work for my CPU either. I tried downloading ride data from my CPU to my PC using my friend's USB dock, but that didn't work. But I can easily download data from his CPU to my PC using his USB dock.

So, it looks like there may be a bad connection inside my CPU that causes the hub data and download data to get lost. If I get all of that working... then I may move up to TrainingPeaks. :D
Thanks everybody. But I am officially giving up on my old Power Tap CPU. It has never read "host" when docked, and that is true regardless of whether I use my serial dock or my friend's USB dock.

I tried downloading with TrainingPeaks too, but the only result was an error message:

"Unable to open COM1. Access denied."

On Power Agent the error message was different, but same result.

R.I.P. old black Power Tap. :(

Anybody have a working Power Tap CPU for sale? Maybe somebody who is converting to wireless? :)
I think i have a simular problem, using version 1.04 software (cycleOps era). It all works find on my desktop which has a serial port, and so my DL cradle directly connects to that 9 pin serial port.

However, on my laptop I don't have a matching serial port, so I have the USB adapter. When I use it to download, the software doesn't recognize anything connected.

Most likely an issue with the drivers?

I tried all four com port choices, same result. My USB port works fine with my camera, flash drive and sometimes gives me issues with my webcam. But it does work! I'm running Windows XP pro

Any ideas?