Racing in the rain- TOC vs NASCAR

Ryan Cousineau <[email protected]> wrote in

> In article <[email protected]>,
> William Asher <[email protected]> wrote:

>> Maybe it's time to tell the great old joke about why NASCAR drivers
>> wear the flame-retarded suits with their names on the back?

> "flame-retarded"? I don't think this joke's about how dumb the NASCAR
> drivers are, Bill.

Oops. Freudian bra.

Bill Asher
In article <[email protected]>,
William Asher <[email protected]> wrote:

> Ryan Cousineau <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:rcousine-C8FF66.18555927022008@[]:
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > William Asher <[email protected]> wrote:
> >

> <snip>
> >>
> >> Maybe it's time to tell the great old joke about why NASCAR drivers
> >> wear the flame-retarded suits with their names on the back?

> >
> > "flame-retarded"? I don't think this joke's about how dumb the NASCAR
> > drivers are, Bill.
> >

> Oops. Freudian bra.

It's okay. From now on I'm going to use "flame-retarded" to describe
second-rate troll-posts here.

Ryan Cousineau [email protected]
"In other newsgroups, they killfile trolls."
"In, we coach them."
Yall have missed the point entirely.

Nascar dont never race in the rain cause the rain would get in the
Budweiser. Fans wouldnt hav it that wayun.
[email protected] wrote:
> Yall have missed the point entirely.
> Nascar dont never race in the rain cause the rain would get in the
> Budweiser. Fans wouldnt hav it that wayun.

The LIVEDRUNK wikipeadia says that Budweiser is already so watery that
adding more water molecules to the mix might be dangerous for
non-alcohol based lifeforms.
In article <[email protected]>,
Donald Munro <[email protected]> wrote:

> William Asher wrote:
> > Maybe it's time to tell the great old joke about why NASCAR drivers wear
> > the flame-retarded suits with their names on the back?

> Perhaps this guy should have been wearing flame retarded Assos bib-shorts:

Sweat is flammable? Who knew?


Whatever happened to
Leon Trotsky?
He got an icepick
That made his ears burn.

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
"Howard Kveck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Sweat is flammable? Who knew?

He's 55. It's more likely a pair of communist polyester pants he got in the
old days.
Donald Munro wrote:

> William Asher wrote:
>> Maybe it's time to tell the great old joke about why NASCAR drivers
>> wear the flame-retarded suits with their names on the back?

> Perhaps this guy should have been wearing flame retarded Assos
> bib-shorts:

He must have been doing a Kunich-style 180-RPM cadence sprint. I guess we
have to call cadence a red-hot herring now.

Bill Asher
On Feb 29, 1:33 am, Donald Munro <[email protected]> wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
> > Yall have missed the point entirely.

> > Nascar dont never race in the rain cause the rain would get in the
> > Budweiser. Fans wouldnt hav it that wayun.

> The LIVEDRUNK wikipeadia says that Budweiser is already so watery that
> adding more water molecules to the mix might be dangerous for
> non-alcohol based lifeforms.

But a real Nascar fan has drunk so much beer they may a alcohol based
On Feb 25, 12:08 pm, "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:
> I got a good laugh out of this- after watching the Tour of California
> riders racing thru the rain day after day I saw this article on how
> NASCAR reacted to the same rain. What a bunch of wimps!  ;-))
>         NASCAR: Slippery when wet
> Jimmie Johnson was leading the NASCAR Sprint Cup race in California on
> Sunday night when it was halted due to rain. The race will be finished
> on Monday.
> A rainy weekend in Southern California wreaked havoc on NASCAR's
> schedule at the California Speedway.NASCAR officials finally threw in
> the towel when rain brought out the second red flag stop of the
> race.The race was red flagged for more than an hour after just 21
> laps, due to a pair of crashes attributed to water weeping from cracks
> in the track surface.

sure ask Fred Rodriguez.
ask the chicane at Watkins Glen
ask Junior the Nazi Klansmen
ask Montoya can't get a draft
ask Junior's new team hiring the Klansman for protection from...
but frankly very few race in the rain at 170+ 3-4 no any
given time more or less.
and not those guys. so why not stop?

> sure ask Fred Rodriguez.
> ask the chicane at Watkins Glen
> ask Junior the Nazi Klansmen
> ask Montoya can't get a draft
> ask Junior's new team hiring the Klansman for protection from...
> but frankly very few race in the rain at 170+ 3-4 no any
> given time more or less.
> and not those guys. so why not stop?

falling at 170 and 35 is different, no?

driving alone, racing the road and driving continuously intraffic is

then there's they never learned. Not like the Flying Finns or crazy
Englishmen where the road was slippery in their window of opportunity
learning time.

off course, ask why not learn on clay? Like Sheldon Kinser?

then there's group intelligence: see the Glen's chicane. The Glen had
a chicane BN but used only for old women and the ceritified insane. As
a group, NASCAR racers couldn't adjust to driving around a real corner
like the loop so they needed remedial help-the chicane.

Here, the remedial help is not racing. Odd, racers racing each other
continously can't as a group, learn to race the wet road.