Re: getting a muni



one wheeled stallion wrote:
> *I think the CrMo hub is about 20% stronger than the Suzue, and the
> Suzues are TOUGH. *

Where did you get the 20% stronger figure from? I'd guess that they are
similar strengths, both are hardened as far as I know. The ChroMoly hubs
are definitely stronger than the soft steel ones, and apparently they
have a better design for attaching cranks than the traditional square
taper ones.> *Splined hub/crank (Onza, KH, Qu-Ax, Profile etc) sets are stronger,
> but also heavier, so depends how much hopping or whatever you plan to
> do and how strong you are. With cotterless hubs, you have a much
> bigger selection of cranks, but the Onza and Kris Holm etc only fit
> their own cranks, which are great, but only come in two sizes each.*

The selection of lengths are smaller, but the splined cranks are way
better and stronger. Also, the two lengths available are quite good. If
you want more splined lengths to choose from there is Profiles.> *On the UK site, despite being stonger, the CrMo hub is cheaper then
> the Suzue... Perhaps go for the cotterless, you can always upgrade if
> you find yourself breaking loads of cranks oreven your hub.*

I'd say the reason the CrMo one is cheaper is because it is designed and
made by (if I am not mistaken).

uni412, I'd suggest you get the Onza if you can afford it. Upgrading a
hub has hidden costs that you might not expect. Not only do you have to
pay for a new hub (and maybe cranks) but you also have to completely
rebuild the wheel. I think it is better to do it right the first time
rather than wait for it to break and then upgrade. It's definitely up to
you, but go for splines if possible.

Rowan - _________

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