Re: IUF Membership



Lutz wrote:
> I dont think that a pass from a unicycle organisation would help you on
> a airport in europe. If you want to take more unicycles with you you
> have to pay more if you would show something like a IUF pass to people
> on the airport it would take only longer to go in the plane because
> they think you are crazy.


I already said, in Europe it will not help me! In Brazil it will!

I will be the only unicyclist representing Brazil in UNICON, and a
document that shows that i'm really going to a competition will help.
Athlets have some facilities in the airport. I can bring other uni with
me without any problems, but probably I will pay taxes and duties.

It looks crazy for you guys, but here it can help me :eek: I traveled for
bike competitions and it helped me in the past! I will use the CBC card
and maybe i will ask for a UCI card (I ride bike trials too, so it's
not a problem).

Thanks again!


unicycledood wrote:
> surfer1024 wrote:
> >
> > hey guys, who can do hick doubles

> Me, Forrest, Luke, Shaun and everyone that is french.

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