Re: new hubs/cranks



I agree with Sofa, replace them first if you can afford it. I broke my
hub a while back. I rode it around with one crank for a while, saving up
for a new unicycle with stronger parts, and eventually snapped the other
side of the hub off. It really annoyed me not having a unicycle to ride
(I hadn't yet learned how to wheel walk), so I bought a second hand 5'
giraffe to use temporarily while saving for a better unicycle. It was
slow to get places on the 20" wheel, but it definitely was better than
riding a bicycle. I now have a MUni with profile hub/cranks. It is far
superior to the crappy ones I used to ride. If you are going to continue
doing antics like jumping off picnic tables I'd suggest getting a
splined setup.

Rowan - _________

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