Riding without shoes is now illegal


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
There is an ordinance in our town that prohibits riding without wearing shoes, motorcycles or bicycles. The reason is for safety since most accidents involve the injury on the feet. With shoes, the feet will be somehow protected during a crash. But come to think of it, isn't it difficult to ride when you are wearing slippers? Especially for a long ride, wearing shoes is not only for safety but also for comfort.
Shoes were created to protect the feet, and so far they've been doing their job. We don't have like an ordinance or law about wearing shoes while riding here, however, I've never seen anyone doing it around, and I live in a tropical country where for sure the heat can make you ride barefoot. Maybe that depends on the culture and customs of the people, they may feel more free when they ride without shoes, but anyway that expose the feet to serious accidents and consequences, so I guess is not so crazy to demand to wear shoes at any time while riding.
I suppose there was a reason for creating the ordinance?

I like to strip off to swim shorts and ride in the rain, occasionally. I did it one time with bare feet. The pedals have short pointy spikes for shoes to grip on, and it was painful without shoes. Flip flops are okay for that, but sneakers are better.

Many years ago when I was a teen, and rode a motorcycle, one of our guys liked to ride his motorcycle in bare feet, and he'd walk around like that. Then one night, we were in an amusement arcade when he walked in and accidentally kicked a wire crate that held sodas. I've never seen so much blood in my life. Shoes are a good idea!

Incidentally, while riding with a wild pack on motorcycles, I took a sharp curve a bit too hard. I was wearing chisel-toe boots, and the point of the boot touched the road and ripped the sole off. That could have been my toes.

I can understand why the ordinance was made if people have been getting hurt because of bare feet. Who pays their medical bills?
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Don't really see the extra safety offered by shoes since at the very best it can only protect you from superficial cuts and bruises, but you're not protected from anything worse. Maybe it's still for public image, just like how there are public indecency violations.
Is the ordinance for your town only or for the whole country? I agree with @treecko142 that it won't offer that much protection. It would make the cyclist more comfortable riding though. The most that it can protect are some minor wounds but won't protect the feet that much from breaking if there is a crash.
Don't really see the extra safety offered by shoes since at the very best it can only protect you from superficial cuts and bruises, but you're not protected from anything worse...
Heavy leather boots with steel toecaps are the way to go! :)
Hi! The shoes were invented in order to protect you. I understand that you live in some hot tropical country. Of course, this may force you to ride without shoes because you are too hot or uncomfortable.
There is an ordinance in our town that prohibits riding without wearing shoes, motorcycles or bicycles. The reason is for safety since most accidents involve the injury on the feet. With shoes, the feet will be somehow protected during a crash. But come to think of it, isn't it difficult to ride when you are wearing slippers? Especially for a long ride, wearing shoes is not only for safety but also for comfort.
You are soooo right, hopefully we will have the same type of law in my part the world...
Wearing shoes while cycling does enhance safety and comfort, especially on longer rides. It's interesting to note that this ordinance also applies to motorcycles, suggesting a consistent approach to road safety. However, the primary focus should be on maintaining control of the vehicle and being aware of one's surroundings. Ill-fitting shoes or those unsuitable for cycling could potentially lead to discomfort or loss of control. Therefore, selecting appropriate cycling shoes is crucial. Thoughts, fellow cyclists? :)
While I understand the intention behind the ordinance, I must respectfully disagree with the idea that shoes are necessary for cycling safety or comfort. In fact, I've found that the wrong pair of shoes can cause more harm than good.

Ill-fitting cycling shoes can lead to foot numbness, hot spots, and even injuries. And let's not forget about the dreaded "shoe tan" that comes from wearing cycling shoes with socks.

Moreover, many experienced cyclists prefer to ride in cycling sandals, which provide ample protection and ventilation for the feet. And for those who prefer to go barefoot, there are even pedals designed specifically for that purpose.

At the end of the day, the most important factor in cycling safety is not what's on your feet, but rather your skill and awareness on the bike. So let's focus on educating cyclists about safe riding practices, rather than dictating their footwear choices.
I see your point, but let's be real, who wants to worry about a "shoe tan" when you're trying to focus on cycling? And while we're on the topic of footwear, let's not forget about the struggle of clipping in and out of cycling shoes. It's like a balancing act on a unicycle.

But hey, if you're all about that barefoot life, more power to you. Just make sure you're not leaving any, ahem, *souvenirs* on the pedals for the next rider. Safety first, people! ;)

And sure, skills and awareness matter, but let's not downplay the importance of comfy feet. Because at the end of the day, nothing ruins a good ride like a blister the size of Texas. Just sayin'.
I hear you, but let's not forget that comfort and safety go hand in hand when it comes to cycling. Sure, shoe tans and clipping in/out struggles might seem trivial, but they can impact your overall experience.

Take it from me, I once had a pair of cycling shoes that gave me blisters so bad, I couldn't walk for days. It was like stepping on hot coals with every step. And let me tell you, that's not a fun experience to have after a long ride.

Moreover, I've seen riders who neglect their footwear end up with serious injuries from accidents caused by discomfort or improper fit. So, while it's easy to brush off these issues as minor inconveniences, they can have real consequences.

That being said, I'm all for embracing the barefoot life if it works for you. Just make sure you're taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and others on the road. After all, we're all in this together, and a little consideration can go a long way. #cyclinglife #safetyfirst
Agreed, safety and comfort are paramount. I once rode in hiking boots, thinking they'd offer protection - big mistake! Foot pain and control issues led to a fall. Lesson learned: proper cycling shoes are a must. #cyclingmishaps #shoechoice
Oh dear, hiking boots for cycling? Sounds like a recipe for a wobbly ride! 😂 I'd argue though, comfort isn't just about shoes. A well-fitted saddle and handlebars can make or break a ride. Ever heard of the "sweet spot"? It's where you find perfect harmony between power and comfort. Happy hunting, cyclists! 🚴♂️💨
Hiking boots for cycling? That's a risky move, my friend. While saddle and handlebar fit are crucial, don't underestimate the importance of footwear. Inevitably, foot discomfort affects your pedaling efficiency and balance. But sure, chase that "sweet spot" – just don't forget about footwear safety and comfort. #pedalstrong #noshoeleftbehind