saddle sore due to shaving, what to do?


New Member
Jan 5, 2012

I am new to this forum. I just got myself a road bike, Cannondale CAD10, properly adjusted at a proper bike shop, put it on a trainer and biking a few times a week in front of the TV for the winter.

But recently, I developped a saddle sore. I think it's due to the fact that I shave down there, and the friction from the seat causes irritation. Was just wondering if anyone else shaves down there, or it's not recommended to to avoid saddle sore.

Any tips to treat/ avoid?

I mentioned that the doctor that I visited suggested Queen Helene's for a lubricant and I have to say it has worked well. I bought a container for less than 5 dollars at W-mart that has lasted months and I still have a lot remaining. It is much cheaper than cycling specific and it washes out of clothing better. The doctor mentioned that some will not wash out and may end up clogging pores later trapping dirt and leading to infection. On a hot day the Queen Helene has held up much longer than other cycling specific lubricants that I have used.

Another thing that helped in my situation was to use a baby wipe or anti-bacterial wipe as soon as I was finished. I needed to do this because of my commute time to get home to a shower, which is not your issue but something to think about in the future if you cannot get to a shower and clean up quickly. Just drying off with a towel and putting on dry clothes was not enough for me.
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I once went on a shaving expidition above my usual mid-thigh around 10 years ago. The result was a saddle sore so bad a trip to a scalpel wielding dermatologist was required. I saw stars anytime pressure was on the area. Then the old ribbon stuffed in abscess healing process had me off the bike for another month. My recomendation is not to shave any body part that will experience direct prolonged friction from the saddle during the ride.

Saddle sores can come from other reasons as well though, I road tested a Specialized Toupe and developed a saddle sore the very next day, the crazy thing was I could feel the pressure point during the ride and knew no good would come of it. If the saddle is the cause it may just need some micro tweaking tilt-wise.

V. good advice at Felt's blog too. Luckily this is an age old topic with a wealth of information availalable.
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Awesome advice, I feel better already :) No but seriously, a little polisporin and gone it was! I'm gonna work on prevention next!
Shaving was never a problem for me. Not shaving was. Main thing is keep clean and dry.