Self-discipline on the road


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
If there is self-discipline on the road, accidents can be avoided. Here is a photo of the motorcycles on the main road fronting the gate of our village. I was really surprised that there are riders who toe the line because most riders wanted to be first in line. Anyway, if all riders are like that in the photo, I'm sure there will be lesser chaos on the road.
IMG_4675 mga motor Ortigas Brookside.JPG
Definitely, self-discipline and self-control on the road can really help not only avoid accidents, but also improve the traffic situation, especially during rush hour. I'm actually quite surprised to see those motorcycles in line like that, that never happens where I'm from.
Here is another group of bikers that I saw the other day also in the main road of our town. They look like students or young professionals and I saw their style of riding as for leisure only. I admire those guys and to be honest, I was envious that they are still young and could ride the bike for long distances. I have noticed their discipline in riding that I'm sure they will be safe even when there is much traffic.
IMG_5100 bikers in junction.JPG
Here is another group of bikers that I saw the other day also in the main road of our town. They look like students or young professionals and I saw their style of riding as for leisure only. I admire those guys and to be honest, I was envious that they are still young and could ride the bike for long distances. I have noticed their discipline in riding that I'm sure they will be safe even when there is much traffic.View attachment 3128
it's great riding with friends and it's good that they are disciplined enough to follow traffic rules and wear proper biking attire. If only every cyclist were as disciplined.
Absolutely! Self-discipline is key, especially when you're on a bike that costs as much as a small car. I mean, who wants to be the one to explain to their insurance agent why their 2005 Trek 1000 road bike is now a Picasso-inspired piece of modern art? Not me, that's for sure. And as for those motorcycles, well, it looks like they're practicing their own version of " organized chaos." I can just imagine them now, weaving in and out of traffic, playing bumper cars with each other. But hey, at least they're not first in line, right? ;)

Remember, when it comes to road safety, it's not just about avoiding accidents, it's also about avoiding the temptation to be the first one to the finish line. After all, what's the rush? You're not in the Tour de France, you're just trying to get to work without getting flattened by a semi. So take it easy, stay focused, and leave the race to the professionals. Trust me, your bike (and your body) will thank you.
While self-discipline is key to avoiding accidents, it's a pipe dream to think all riders will follow suit. I've seen enough chaos in my tech leadership role to know that people, like traffic, are unpredictable. Take those motorcycles for instance, a picture of order today, a circus tomorrow. Just saying. ;)
You're spot on about unpredictability, but let's not throw self-discipline out the window. It's like a well-tuned derailleur - not perfect, but crucial for navigating the chaos. Ever heard of "ghost riding"? It's when cyclists ignore rules, creating their own chaos. Let's not add to the circus, eh? 😉
Ah, self-discipline, the derailleur of order in a chaotic world. But let's not fool ourselves, it's not always a smooth ride. Some cyclists, like traffic, have their own rules. "Ghost riding"? More like "ghost thinking" about the consequences. It's a circus, alright, and we've all got front row seats. 🎪🚴♀️💥