sun screen


New Member
Aug 1, 2004
i was just wondering if any of you wear sunscreen while cycling, I never do.
ryan_velo said:
i was just wondering if any of you wear sunscreen while cycling, I never do.

Yes, it's compulsory during an aussie summer unless you like constant
pain from blistering skin and eventual death from skin cancer.

hippy said:
Yes, it's compulsory during an aussie summer unless you like constant
pain from blistering skin and eventual death from skin cancer.

im pretty well coverd with my jersy and shorts but i never get burned, just a good tan
Skin cancer is a bad thing. Cant hurt to protect yourself a little. You wear a helmet to protect your head dont you? Also, sunburn is painful.

ryan_velo said:
i was just wondering if any of you wear sunscreen while cycling, I never do.
Jeffonyourleft said:
Skin cancer is a bad thing. Cant hurt to protect yourself a little. You wear a helmet to protect your head dont you? Also, sunburn is painful.

Problem is, I remember the helmet very easily - the sunscreen I remember when the sun starts beating down. I reckon I must get myself one of those little bottles of spray-on sunscreen and keep it in my tubby.....
I dont hey...
never thought about it either.
hmmmm if i remember next long day cycle, i'll put some on.
hippy said:
Yes, it's compulsory during an aussie summer unless you like constant
pain from blistering skin and eventual death from skin cancer.


Same here in Florida. My best friend has these really ugly scars on his left arm from having melanoma removed. That's all the reminder I need. In Florida thats how you tell the natives from the tourists. The tourists all have sunburns.
ryan_velo said:
i was just wondering if any of you wear sunscreen while cycling, I never do.

I frequently wear some on my arms and legs and have found the Hawaiian Tropic products very good. I've tried to wear sunscreen on my face but since I sweat profusely, it kept getting in my eyes so I've stopped. I was told to put the screen on twenty minutes before the ride so it gets a chance to soak in and not be sweated off.
I always wear sunscreen on parts of my body that aren't covered if I'm ouside. I had an uncle who had skin cancer and I've just heard too many bad things about it. I don't really mind the sunscreen either...
Yep, riding in high altitude (6k'), sunscreen is a must. Gotta protect yourself.
ryan_velo said:
i was just wondering if any of you wear sunscreen while cycling, I never do.
I dont normally wear it although i know i probably should. I cant stand the sticky sensation that it leaves once i start to sweat. If i do put some on it normally only goes on the tip of my nose wear my glasses dont cover (and possibly on my ears), that way it cant get in my eyes.
I usually cycle in a spaghetti tank top so I use sunscreen to stop my skin going all leathery though I still manage to tan. I've been really pleased with the Coppertone Sports stuff. I'm not really sure if there's a high UV danger here in Boston but growing up in Queensland, Australia, you are definitely taught about the dangers of skin cancer and the slip, slop, slap philosophy from a young age!

Jess :)
Bullfrog- always, especially after putting two dear friends in the ground after the Melanoma got to their brains (did not look like fun). I started with Bullfrog because it doesn't sweat off, and even when I am skateboarding in empty swimming pools (a highly reflective surface) I never get burned. It's good stuff and could save your life- skin cancer (and the DNA UV radiation affects) doesn't care how tan you are
Bull frog is not sticky or lotion-y, so us guys can dig it, and there is no smell

The UV danger in Australia is higher...I have some exchange students who won't even go outside without hats- at least they have learned a good habit
drewjc said:
I dont normally wear it although i know i probably should. I cant stand the sticky sensation that it leaves once i start to sweat. If i do put some on it normally only goes on the tip of my nose wear my glasses dont cover (and possibly on my ears), that way it cant get in my eyes.

I use sunscreen every time I ride. The worst part is the bugs/sand/road debris that sticks to your shins. But while you're drinking your post-ride beverage, you can sit and analyze your "collection"....
I hadn't really thought about it before, but come to think of it I really should be wearing sunscreen while riding. Thanks for bringing this up everyone.
Yeah I use sunscreen, I hate it when you forget and get sunburnt. That reminds me, what do you do about the sunburn double W that a Giro Pneumo leaves on your head? That's worse than farmers tan IMO because it's right there on your forehead.
KakenBetaal said:
Yeah I use sunscreen, I hate it when you forget and get sunburnt. That reminds me, what do you do about the sunburn double W that a Giro Pneumo leaves on your head? That's worse than farmers tan IMO because it's right there on your forehead.
Fekk, be proud of you farmers tan, it shows you are not some beach poser, but an active person. :)