
I realize this is the women’s area but the thread caught my eye......If you have never tried Sun Bum you may want to give it a try. I use 70 SPF as my family vacations a lot in the FB area where the sun is very strong and it has never failed.
Gina uses Coppertone SPF 70. She has tried others like Banana Boat and it didn't do much for her, she burned. Even to the point she swelled and got sick while looking like a lobster. Coppertone has worked well for her.

For a Hispanic chick, Gina is pretty fair skinned. Actually darker here than she was years ago. Some people actually thought I was married to a white girl ha ha!

With Coppertone, she has been able to get a little darker without getting red. She tried a couple others but seemed to be wasting her money so Coppertone it is! :D

Actually much darker here than when she first started cycling. And that is sunblock on her blouse, not snot ha ha!