Talk Radio Hosts Encourage Killing Cyclists


Cycle America

How much lower can we go? Each and everyone of of us must take action
now. It's almost as if life has become disposable in Iraq so we can
drive our cars and if you don't support that war for oil by not driving
that your un-Americanism warrants death here as well. Who can reply with
email addresses to WRKO and WNNX so we can bury them with our reaction?
This is horrific:

hosts are targeting bicyclists again. Stations in three
cities in the last two weeks have made disparaging,
incorrect, and at times dangerous remarks about bicyclists
and encouraged listeners to call in and share their views
about bicyclists. On April 16, Howie Carr on Boston's WRKO-
AM said, "They [bicyclists] are the biggest pain...if there
is a sidewalk, I don't care what the law is, ride on the
damn sidewalk, OK? You don't belong on the road. You don't.
That's all there is to it. You belong on the sidewalk."
Later on, he said, "I don't want to share the road."

On April 23, DJs on the Don Miller show on Atlanta's WNNX-FM
(99X) repeatedly ridiculed bicyclists. One host said, "I
can't stand them," and referred to cyclists as "bastards."
Of the law giving cyclists the right to use the roads, they
said it's a "horrible law" and that bicyclists should "get
on the sidewalk where they belong." When a caller wanted to
let the hosts know about Atlanta area cyclists who'd been
killed in traffic crashes, the response was, "...and I wanna
let you know how many people care about those cyclists."
Most alarmingly, one DJ said he would "nudge them
[bicyclists] right off the road into a tree." When
challenged by a colleague that he hadn't done that, he said,
"You've never done that? It's so much fun. Smoke a little
weed, get behind the wheel...wheee!"

To hear the heinous 99X broadcast segments, for more details
and to take action to stop this onslaught of broadcast
harassment, visit None of the
stations involved are owned by Clear Channel Communications.
Last year, following a string of similar incidents, Clear
Channel made it clear it would not tolerate such behavior on
its stations. Visit to hear radio
PSA recorded by Clear Channel to promote bicycling and
sharing the road.

To hear these broadcasts again:

M A R T I N K R I E G : "Awake Again" Author Bent Since '83, Car
Free Since '89, '79 & '86 TransAms Coma, Paralysis,
Clinical Death Survivor Can You Change it with Love? N A
Cycle America wrote:
> How much lower can we go? Each and everyone of of us must
> take action now. It's almost as if life has become
> disposable in Iraq so we can drive our cars and if you
> don't support that war for oil by not driving that your
> un-Americanism warrants death here as well. Who can reply
> with email addresses to WRKO and WNNX so we can bury them
> with our reaction? This is horrific:

WNNX doesn't seem to have an email contact on it's web site.

Snail mail:

99X 780 Johnson Ferry Road. Fifth Floor Atlanta, GA 30342

Main Phone: 404-497-4700 Request Line: 404-741-0997 Fax:
> On April 16, Howie Carr on Boston's WRKO-AM said, "They
> [bicyclists] are the biggest pain...if there is a
> sidewalk, I don't care what the law is, ride on the damn
> sidewalk, OK? You don't belong on the road. You don't.
> That's all there is to it. You belong on the sidewalk."

This is the same Howie Carr who wrote a Boston Herald column
in 1997 that began:

> I'm an American driver and I'm consumed by road rage and
> much of it has been caused by overexposure to one group
> of road miscreants -- bicycle riders.

In 2001 he wrote:

> Bicycles are OK in the driveway if you're 6 years old.
> Once you get your driver's license, it's time to lose the
> bicycle, or at least confine its use to dirt paths, or
> the woods. But stay off our highways.

Last month, he was *****ing about the cost of John
Kerry's Serotta.

Carr is a former frat-boy who has figured out how to make a
living by posing as an Archie Bunker-style right-wing
asshole. You can write to the Boston Herald at:

[email protected]

It's not about anger -- it's about peace. It's not about
power -- it's about grace. It's not about knowing your enemy
-- it's about knowing yourself.
Already I am receiving a lot of mail about this insanity. Here for
example, is what Kern has done:

At 8:56 AM -0700 5/4/04, Kern wrote: Thanks for sending
this, Martin. I've written letters to the two station owners
involved, and the FCC as well. I'm furious that this kind of
**** would be tolerated on the air, while stations and
station owners are publicly castigated for showing nudity.
What an immorality!

-- Kern

here is what Steve S said:

Your most recent regarding the radio hosts is very sad. In
light of our dwindling oil supply, the increase in demand
over the ability to produce and the resulting rise in oil
prices, one would think the U.S. would cheer those who
choose to ride their bike rather than use up such a precious
commodity and further pollute our air. We are a spoiled
society and these remarks are one of the best examples.

Warmest regards,


and Joe M:

Hello As one who has bicycled from Fairbanks, Alaska to Key
West, Florida and many other places in North America and
Europe, I am outraged by the attitude of many americans
toward bicyclists.

Bicyclists do not belong on the sidewalk. They have every
right to use the roadway.

In article <carfree-
[email protected]>, Cycle America
<[email protected]> wrote:

> How much lower can we go? Each and everyone of of us must
> take action now. It's almost as if life has become
> disposable in Iraq so we can drive our cars and if you
> don't support that war for oil by not driving that your
> un-Americanism warrants death here as well. Who can reply
> with email addresses to WRKO and WNNX so we can bury them
> with our reaction? This is horrific:
> show hosts are targeting bicyclists again. Stations in
> three cities in the last two weeks have made disparaging,
> incorrect, and at times dangerous remarks about
> bicyclists and encouraged listeners to call in and share
> their views about bicyclists. On April 16, Howie Carr on
> Boston's WRKO-AM said, "They [bicyclists] are the biggest
> pain...if there is a sidewalk, I don't care what the law
> is, ride on the damn sidewalk, OK? You don't belong on
> the road. You don't. That's all there is to it. You
> belong on the sidewalk." Later on, he said, "I don't want
> to share the road."
> On April 23, DJs on the Don Miller show on Atlanta's WNNX-
> FM (99X) repeatedly ridiculed bicyclists. One host said,
> "I can't stand them," and referred to cyclists as
> "bastards." Of the law giving cyclists the right to use
> the roads, they said it's a "horrible law" and that
> bicyclists should "get on the sidewalk where they belong."
> When a caller wanted to let the hosts know about Atlanta
> area cyclists who'd been killed in traffic crashes, the
> response was, "...and I wanna let you know how many people
> care about those cyclists." Most alarmingly, one DJ said
> he would "nudge them [bicyclists] right off the road into
> a tree." When challenged by a colleague that he hadn't
> done that, he said, "You've never done that? It's so much
> fun. Smoke a little weed, get behind the wheel...wheee!"
> To hear the heinous 99X broadcast segments, for more
> details and to take action to stop this onslaught of
> broadcast harassment, visit
> None of the stations involved are owned by Clear Channel
> Communications. Last year, following a string of similar
> incidents, Clear Channel made it clear it would not
> tolerate such behavior on its stations. Visit
> to hear radio PSA recorded by
> Clear Channel to promote bicycling and sharing the road.
> To hear these broadcasts again:
> M A R T I N K R I E G : "Awake Again" Author
> Bent Since '83, Car
> Free Since '89, '79 & '86 TransAms Coma, Paralysis,
> Clinical Death Survivor Can You Change it with Love? N
> A T I O N A L B I C Y C L E G R E E N W A Y
AustinMN wrote:

> Cycle America wrote:
>> How much lower can we go? Each and everyone of of us must
>> take action now. It's almost as if life has become
>> disposable in Iraq so we can drive our cars and if you
>> don't support that war for oil by not driving that your
>> un-Americanism warrants death here as well. Who can reply
>> with email addresses to WRKO and WNNX so we can bury them
>> with our reaction? This is horrific:
> WNNX doesn't seem to have an email contact on it's
> web site.
> Snail mail:
> 99X 780 Johnson Ferry Road. Fifth Floor Atlanta, GA 30342
> Main Phone: 404-497-4700 Request Line: 404-741-0997 Fax:
> 404-497-4735

To get e-mail addresses for WNNX go to the Station/Contact
page and click on any of the names that show up. E-mail all
of them. They probably could use the company.

e.g. general manager Mark Reiner: [email protected]

-Bill "Share the Love" Asher
"Cycle America" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> How much lower can we go?

Last night on NPR they had a highbrow essay bashing American
cyclists. The author, reading his own piece, contrasted the
virtuous cycling of Amsterdam
vs. that in found in America.

I think that is lower because it is such a pathetic 'me too'
disguised as creative art. They are probably giggling over
the letters the spot will generate. Miscreants.
In article <[email protected]>,
Cycle America <[email protected]> writes:


> On April 16, Howie Carr on Boston's WRKO-AM said, "They
> [bicyclists] are the biggest pain...if there is a
> sidewalk, I don't care what the law is, ride on the damn
> sidewalk, OK? You don't belong on the road. You don't.
> That's all there is to it. You belong on the sidewalk."
> Later on, he said, "I don't want to share the road."

I expect Howie (and others) will maintain this ignorant
attitude regardless of any wrong-way/lane-filtering POBs
"giving all cyclists a bad name". We could all ride like
perfect, virtuous saints all the time, and the anti-cyclist
drivers will still have this attitude, because they simply
hate bikes. And we're chronically stuck with them, like
herpes or income tax.

It would be easy to suggest Howie gives all drivers a bad
name, but I don't think that's true either. But he sure
doesn't help.

cheers, Tom

-- Powered by FreeBSD Above address is just a spam midden.
I'm really at: tkeats [curlicue] vcn [point] bc [point] ca
How to Contact the FCC

To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail

Chairman Michael K. Powell: [email protected]
Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy:
[email protected] Commissioner Michael J. Copps:
[email protected] Commissioner Kevin J. Martin:
[email protected] Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:
[email protected]

"Cycle America" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:carfree-
[email protected]...
> How much lower can we go? Each and everyone of of us must
> take action now. It's almost as if life has become
> disposable in Iraq so we can drive our cars and if you
> don't support that war for oil by not driving that your
> un-Americanism warrants death here as well. Who can reply
> with email addresses to WRKO and WNNX so we can bury them
> with our reaction? This is horrific:
> show hosts are targeting bicyclists again. Stations in
> three cities in the last two weeks have made disparaging,
> incorrect, and at times dangerous remarks about
> bicyclists and encouraged listeners to call in and share
> their views about bicyclists. On April 16, Howie Carr on
> Boston's WRKO-AM said, "They [bicyclists] are the biggest
> pain...if there is a sidewalk, I don't care what the law
> is, ride on the damn sidewalk, OK? You don't belong on
> the road. You don't. That's all there is to it. You
> belong on the sidewalk." Later on, he said, "I don't want
> to share the road."
> On April 23, DJs on the Don Miller show on Atlanta's WNNX-
> FM (99X) repeatedly ridiculed bicyclists. One host said,
> "I can't stand them," and referred to cyclists as
> "bastards." Of the law giving cyclists the right to use
> the roads, they said it's a "horrible law" and that
> bicyclists should "get on the sidewalk where they belong."
> When a caller wanted to let the hosts know about Atlanta
> area cyclists who'd been killed in traffic crashes, the
> response was, "...and I wanna let you know how many people
> care about those cyclists." Most alarmingly, one DJ said
> he would "nudge them [bicyclists] right off the road into
> a tree." When challenged by a colleague that he hadn't
> done that, he said, "You've never done that? It's so much
> fun. Smoke a little weed, get behind the wheel...wheee!"
> To hear the heinous 99X broadcast segments, for more
> details and to take action to stop this onslaught of
> broadcast harassment, visit
> None of the stations involved are owned by Clear Channel
> Communications. Last year, following a string of similar
> incidents, Clear Channel made it clear it would not
> tolerate such behavior on its stations. Visit
> to hear radio PSA recorded by
> Clear Channel to promote bicycling and sharing the road.
> To hear these broadcasts again:
> M A R T I N K R I E G : "Awake Again" Author
> Bent Since '83, Car
> Free Since '89, '79 & '86 TransAms Coma, Paralysis,
> Clinical Death Survivor Can You Change it with Love? N
> A T I O N A L B I C Y C L E G R E E N W A Y
Can anybody find a link to this at ? I can't.

> Last night on NPR they had a highbrow essay bashing
> American cyclists.
> author, reading his own piece, contrasted the virtuous
> cycling of
> vs. that in found in America.
"Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Can anybody find a link to this at ? I can't.
> > Last night on NPR they had a highbrow essay bashing
> > American cyclists.
> The
> > author, reading his own piece, contrasted the virtuous
> > cycling of
> Amsterdam
> > vs. that in found in America.

I heard this when they initially played it. The criticisms
of Americans generally concern the gram counting weight
weenies as witnessed by reference to the "Trek 55000".
In article <[email protected]>, TM <[email protected]>

> "Cycle America" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:carfree-
> [email protected]...
> > How much lower can we go?
> Last night on NPR they had a highbrow essay bashing
> American cyclists. The author, reading his own piece,
> contrasted the virtuous cycling of Amsterdam
> vs. that in found in America.
> I think that is lower because it is such a pathetic 'me
> too' disguised as creative art. They are probably giggling
> over the letters the spot will generate. Miscreants.

TM, You have no sense of humor, and are apparently unable to
understand sarcasm. The commentator was Aaron Freeman, a
Chicago comedian and cyclist, I have seen him riding myself.
The article was about bike thieves in Amsterdam.

When one responds humorlessly as TM did, it's difficult to
take the complaint seriously. Humph. Aaron Freeman anti
cyclist? I've seen him in spandex!

Lets do the FCC thing again, it worked the last time with CC

Some one post a letter and the email addresses and I'll get
letters going again.

TO: Mark Renier, GM
Susquehanna Radio Corp
Sr. VP - 99X

I'm an aspiring journalist, and an avid cyclist.

I would fight to the death for the rights of your station personalities to voice their opinions--even opinions as malevolent, ignorant, and injurious as the opinions they've voiced regarding bicyclists.

I would ask, however, that you help your on-air personalities to understand that the power of the press is formidable, and that, with those rights, come profound responsibilities.

Their shows regarding bicyclists have been patently irresponsible. When they disregard the fact that:
a) Atlanta is still in Georgia,
b) Georgia is still in the South,
c) The South is still the epicenter of Strict Fundamentalism...

...then they err with violence as a possible result. Asking, "Do you honestly think anybody takes this stuff seriously? is a convenient way for an on-air personality to attempt to expiate their guilt for irresponsible journalism. Unfortunately, the simple truth is: many people do take The Word as The Gospel.
> a) Atlanta is still in Georgia,
> b) Georgia is still in the South,
> c) The South is still the epicenter of Strict
> Fundamentalism...

=v= I think this undercuts your argument. Atlanta is
considered by many to be a relative oasis of
cosmopolitanism. How true that is subject to some debate,
but my concern is that that your letter will prompt *that*
debate instead of any consideration about cyclists. <_Jym_
Fair point. Perhaps my intent will get lost in that message. I meant to use the concept of fundamentalism, absent the religious connotations, but you might be right.

I happen to think Atlanta is an outrageously cool city, btw. Radio waves stretch out for miles and miles, though. Have you been 50 miles outside of that town? ;-)

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Originally posted by Jym Dyer
> a) Atlanta is still in Georgia,
> b) Georgia is still in the South,
> c) The South is still the epicenter of Strict
> Fundamentalism...

=v= I think this undercuts your argument. Atlanta is
considered by many to be a relative oasis of
cosmopolitanism. How true that is subject to some debate,
but my concern is that that your letter will prompt *that*
debate instead of any consideration about cyclists. <_Jym_
"Steve G" <[email protected]> wrote in message

>I've seen him in spandex!

That might have colored your impression of the piece!

Seriously, I'll take you at your word that this guy is a
good cyclist. If he is a comedian, then he really fell down
on this piece. I did not feel like laughing once. Did
anybody else laugh at this?

For the record, I have a good sense of humor and understand
sarcasm well. His essay - er monologue - came off as a wine
and cheese version of the shot and a beer cycle bashing
prevalent on commercial fm.

I'll defer to you as to intent, because you know the man,
but I feel no shame in not finding any humor in it. It was
not funny. At all.
I did not think it the commentary/essay was especially funny
but it was certainly nothing to take umbrage at and raised
some interesting points,

"Steve G" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:050520040147039594%[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, TM
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Cycle America" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:carfree-
> > [email protected]...
> > > How much lower can we go?
> >
> > Last night on NPR they had a highbrow essay bashing
> > American cyclists.
> > author, reading his own piece, contrasted the virtuous
> > cycling of
> > vs. that in found in America.
> >
> > I think that is lower because it is such a pathetic 'me
> > too' disguised
> > creative art. They are probably giggling over the
> > letters the spot will generate. Miscreants.
> TM, You have no sense of humor, and are apparently unable
> to understand sarcasm. The commentator was Aaron Freeman,
> a Chicago comedian and cyclist, I have seen him riding
> myself. The article was about bike thieves in Amsterdam.
> When one responds humorlessly as TM did, it's difficult to
> take the complaint seriously. Humph. Aaron Freeman anti
> cyclist? I've seen him in spandex!
> steve