The Independent's new(ish) cycling blog

garage sale GT said:
Simon, please stop spamming our forum.
I'm not Simon O'Hagan, I just like his blog. Blimey, this is a nice welcome to a newcomer! Is everybody here always this friendly?
junglecat said:
I'm not Simon O'Hagan, I just like his blog. Blimey, this is a nice welcome to a newcomer! Is everybody here always this friendly?
Sorry Junglecat, and welcome. No, not everyone here is grumpy. You did pick a bad time to recommend another forum as this one has been spammed to death by a site called Jamesbikerblog. They posted twice a day in every section of this forum. On top of that, there has been a lot of Chinese knock off spamming going on and we think that our moderator is either on vacation or dead. This is a really great forum when everything is working right, but right now it is sort of broken.
BUT... stay anyway and enjoy yourself. You can pick through the useful threads and you will quickly come to recognise the hardcore... ;)
bicyclerubber said:
There is also a column each week in the Sunday Times that is worth a look

(its not me)
Sunday times?? Is it a site?? Or a newspaper, because if it's a news paper there's probably one in just about every country in the world. I guess you mean the UK
Scotttri said:
Sunday times?? Is it a site?? Or a newspaper, because if it's a news paper there's probably one in just about every country in the world. I guess you mean the UK
I didn't know the Sunday Times in WA had anything useful in it. The last bit it had in it was about marauding cycling packs terrorising pedestrians.:confused:

I haven't bought it since!!