tri bike sizing??



hey everybody! i've been wondering how tri-specific bikes are sized. are
they sized the same as road bikes? thanks!
"serg" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> hey everybody! i've been wondering how tri-specific bikes are sized. are
> they sized the same as road bikes? thanks!

Actually, I think it is always best to specifically verify the method
used. Some manufacturers use different methods. Also, on a second
hand bike, it is not uncommon for the owner to not really know what
the bike size is and how that was determined.

center-to-center is the one I see most often, but it can mean center
of the crank spindle to center of the seat binder bolt or the center
of the top tube?

Some use center-to-top. Top of seat tube, or top of top tube? Again,

In some geometries, the differences can really change your

I have never shopped a model that did not have a seat tube. Without a
seat binder bolt, I don't know how the frame size is determined.

Someone else will have to say, but they probably use a "virtual" tube
length, just to keep apples-to-apples comparisons.
