tricks on a giraffe

zachjowi wrote:
> can anyone do any tricks on a giraffe? ride down stairs, hop, etc

All perfectly doable. There are several people on this forum who do
this kind of stuff. A few people have even built up trials and offroad

You can also do a reasonable number of freestyle tricks on a giraffe
including things like
-seat in front
-stomach on seat
-seat out back
-1 ft idling
-1 ft riding


-Peter Bier
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I have gone up and down curbs. Hopping up curbs is actually hard because
when you are that high up its hard to judge exactly where the wheel is
going. The falls suck too.

Spencer Hochberg

(disclaimer: i may not know what i am talking about)
maxisback wrote:
> yeh i kill ppl for a living

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I've done one-footed backward riding, pirouettes, and seat on side
backward (something I can't do on my regular uni) on my giraffe. The
scariest thing I have done is the frog mount, where you hold the
giraffe still, jump up, and land squatting on the pedals, before
riding off seat in front. Sadly, I haven't had the opportunity to use
my giraffe much lately, so I'm probably badly out of shape with it.


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