Trump, Carson Phony Candidates? Maybe To Split The Republican Vote?

Did you see that act in the Canadian airport yesterday? :D

Ze prezident welcoming ze Zyrian refugees® in Canada?

Ze Canada Prezident looks like a total wacko! :D

I think that Trump doesn't have proper plans for his campaigns. He seems to be talking whatever he wants to talk about before thinking twice. How can Muslims be banned from entering the US? That will risk the lives of Americans living in the Arab countries. Many people have said that he is not a good leader because he wants to divide the Americans according to their religion, which is very dangerous.
We have been divided already and I am so glad Americans living in Arab countries are safe now.
"How can Muslims be banned from entering the US?"

As easily as Ike kicked out the messicans.

"So Bob what is your beef with Hill? White Water, Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, E-mails or the fact that she in unlikable old hag that can't be trusted in a s**t house wearing a muzzle. Oh yes and she is broke."

Let us not forget Vince Foster, JH.

Benghazi was just insane! It points fingers at Obama and Hitlary. I will never forgive the government in general for letting that go down. Kadaffy Duck is still laughing his ass off in Hell.

You would have thought that if there was only ONE lesson learned in our 200+ years of being born in fire and forged in fire it's that you absolutely, positively have to kill almost every motherfucker that's standing against us before the timid ones that are left will put their house in order.

Patton was correct. Macarthur was correct. Conan was also the most correct.

You, sir, have inspired look for an ignore list to put you on. You're ill. What you have to say has teabags hanging all over it. At any rate, goodbye to you.
Better add me also. I cannot understand why anyone would trust her.