Trump, Carson Phony Candidates? Maybe To Split The Republican Vote?

As an outsider looking in, it seems to me that the American politician who raises the most funds has the best chance of getting elected.

I agree with JH, Clinton being elected would not be a good result.
Trump likes talking about what he will do for the nation but not what he has done. I think that besides being a businessman, if can only be a good motivational speaker. If was blessed with just talking much and doing less to help the society. He likes dissing everybody who dare criticise him, meaning that he will not be a good leader. I also don't like him because of his negative remarks about Muslims.
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I for one am a mad as hell the way we ignore the radical faction of Islam and I am not alone. Let us stop pretending and call it like it is. Don't urinate down my back and tell me it is raining.
jhuskey said:
I for one am a mad as hell the way we ignore the radical faction of Islam and I am not alone. Let us stop pretending and call it like it is. Don't urinate down my back and tell me it is raining.
The Pakistanis are holding the Syrians hostage next to FYROM coz they want some Europa! too...

Maybe they will go to the US of A too . . Like that lovely couple you had there that went "postal" lately? :p

They are using their children as Shields to push through the Polizei.

These are "the normal non-radical" ones. :p

How "Cool"... :D

Stranded migrants clash with police on Greek-Macedonian border

Just some "work place violence" by a couple of Muslims. The reactions from our great leader is "take all the guns". That will no doubt stop the terrorists but some will buy right into the rhetoric. I think the majority are fed up with the media spin.
I would add that all good citizens keep bombs in their residence in case someone at work pisses them off.
Time to wake up!!!!
jhuskey said:
Just some "work place violence" by a couple of Muslims. The reactions from our great leader is "take all the guns". That will no doubt stop the terrorists but some will buy right into the rhetoric. I think the majority are fed up with the media spin.
I would add that all good citizens keep bombs in their residence in case someone at work pisses them off.
Time to wake up!!!!

I thought all West Muslims were working as film directors!

Are you saying that they were not terrorists? :p

Bombs? That sounds quite terrorist-y. :p

What was the dispute? They would not give them 5 days off per week with 2 hours later start time because they were Not-RadicalTM Muzlimz?

Europa! :p
According to Oblamy they might ,I repeat might have displayed terrorist like tendencies. Let us not jump to conclusions unless we get smacked in the face with an IED and a written confession.
Dude, there was a guy with a Greek name involved! But apparently a Jew? wtf?
Sayeed...Said...whatever the **** his rat's ass name was and his scumbag Pali terrorist wife are currently being ass-raped in Hell by 72 Virginians.

Aloha Snackbar, people.

Odumbo plays kissy ass with his mooslim brothas while innocents are murdered.

You damned right I'll vote for Trump. And **** be upon the Deamonrat retards that voted for Odumbo and his ilk. May you burn in Hell with the libtard morons you helped elect.

Remember our glorious dear leader saying just a short time ago, "They can't reach us here! You are safe!".

Kiss my ass!

It did my old eyes good to see the brave police officers use a garden rake to pull that dead ***** out of the back seat of that sport ute. I wouldn't want to be contaminated by touching her either.
And no one says **** **** about the Fort Hood massacre. That was just more "workplace violence", rrrrriiiiigghhhtttt!

And how about the killings of our service men at the recruiter's office?

Thank God for our libtard press and Hollyweed to put a leftist spin on the facts.
Sayeed...Said...whatever the **** his rat's ass name was and his scumbag Pali terrorist wife..

This guy has a Greek name but is a jew?

He is supposed to have aggrevated the shooter earlier about some Islamic ********? Google "Nicholas Thalasinos"

Say, theres gonna be some fun in FYROM soon... ;) Stay tuned! :D

Back to the phony candidate thing.

Are Trump's most recent comments about Islam meant to be taken seriously?

Can he really think it would fly to ban immigration based on a religion, especially with the power we have in this day and age to find a better basis to restrict visas?

Don't you think if Trump were serious about his position on immigrants, he'd realize it doesn't really matter because it would be so easy for a terrorist to enter the country illegally with a false identity?

Is he just not thinking at all about what he says because he's too used to being the most powerful guy in the room?
garage sale GT said:
Back to the phony candidate thing.

Are Trump's most recent comments about Islam meant to be taken seriously?

Its a global phenomenon for people to vote jockers now. ;)

Check what the French just voted. ;)
Legislation in the US and other places is changing to stricter immigration, it's not just Trump promoting change. The US is very lax in it's immigration in comparison to other countries but no one is ragging on them. Neighbors of the California shooters knew something was going on but were afraid they would be viewed as bigots if they said anything. PC has taken common sense out of the equation and I blame the media for brainwashing.
Locally Islamic were protesting outside a Christmas Tree festival , stating the we worshiped trees and condemning parents for telling children that Santa is real. Am I getting ****** off? Yes some of us have had enough of the double standards. Try demonstrating outside a Mosque and you will be branded a racist. To be clear I have no desire to demonstrate against a religion but I won't stand by and be demonized for wanting to hold on to my way of life.
jhuskey said:
Legislation in the US and other places is changing to stricter immigration, it's not just Trump promoting change. The US is very lax in it's immigration in comparison to other countries but no one is ragging on them. Neighbors of the California shooters knew something was going on but were afraid they would be viewed as bigots if they said anything. PC has taken common sense out of the equation and I blame the media for brainwashing.
Locally Islamic were protesting outside a Christmas Tree festival , stating the we worshiped trees and condemning parents for telling children that Santa is real. Am I getting ****** off? Yes some of us have had enough of the double standards. Try demonstrating outside a Mosque and you will be branded a racist. To be clear I have no desire to demonstrate against a religion but I won't stand by and be demonized for wanting to hold on to my way of life.

PC has gone made. Say anything and it can be construed as being not being politically correct.

I don't know where this concept that we're all equal has come from.
Yes, we should all be equal but life just isn't that way.
And the more Man tries to create "equality" the less equal life actually becomes.

Incidentally, I disagree with the view that it is easy to enter the USA. At least from this country.
Custom clearance here in Ireland - where you have to first obtain a visa and then go through a pre flight immigration vetting process done by American "homeland security" personnel at Irish airports - is rigourous.
And that's just for a vacation "in the land of the free".

That's pretty much it Lim, obtain a B1 Visa come and stay. In theory you can't work but you are not tracked to determine if you return after the 6 month limit.
Quote by Lim:
"PC has gone made. Say anything and it can be construed as being not being politically correct.

I don't know where this concept that we're all equal has come from.
Yes, we should all be equal but life just isn't that way.
And the more Man tries to create "equality" the less equal life actually becomes."

Smart...very smart.

PC has risen to a religion here. A twisted contorted religion that relies on some imaginary 'White Guilt'. Well screw that ****! I never owned a slave or went on a Crusade (there's still time for that one!). Neither did any of my ancestors. Matter of fact, in our disastrous Civil War my kin fought FOR the side that freed the slaves. I feel no guilt. No remorse. And frankly, **** everyone else except my friends and my family.

There's a whole lot of illegal Irish immigrants here. Well, not compared to the 'Hispanics' (WTF is a Hispanic? Someone from Spain? Hah!!!), but as illegals go the number is significant.

I don't mind them so much. They speak a sort of English I can almost understand, work hard and for the most part keep their noses clean. They don't smell bad and they appear neat and clean for the most part. Most importantly, I know of none of them Hell bent for leather to blow up America or cut the heads off of anyone. Other than the guys still funding the IRA and Prod militias from over here, I give the illegal Irish a temporary pass. As JH said, they got here on work visa's and decided our cold beer really was superior!

The Irish, once a hated nationality here, helped build America. They integrated very well into the American way of life. They are now...'us'.
Bob ... You need to feel very guilty that you managed to achieve a station in life that would have been completely impossible in this country had you not been a Caucasian male who identifies with one version or another of Christianity. Me too. No way would we have nice homes, nice cars, and nice bikes if we weren't white men at a minimum.

Good God, man ... Just watch South Park ... And do not say anything bad about freak-show Caitlin ever

Not that "she" isn't "stunning and beautiful" mind you (where's that animated "puke" emoticon when I need it!)

I mean c'mon ... Just thinking about it, I should probably take time at the holiday season and go apologize to all of the oppressed I know ....which is gonna take a lot of time since everywhere I "exist" - neighborhood, career, gym, social life, hobbies/interest, my oh-so-many doctors, shopping, cultural life ... white men are a minority, especially if you want to further divide us into subsets based on religious affiliation.

I live in such a diverse community ... My subdivision is a great example ... Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs...Hispanic, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, African/Afro-Carribean, African American ...

I'm sure they are all oppressed by my existence ... Who should I start with ... Probably the Korean doctor across the street ... Or my Iraqi/Chaldean buddy two streets over who rides and runscwith me from time to time... And definite the black lady who is a circuit court judge ... Wouldn't want to be on her bad side.... Probably should start with my very best friend who is the brother I never had, who is Jewish.

OK, I'll state it explicitly for those who didn't take a clue pull today - I'm being sarcastic... Maybe I live in a bubble or something ... But I see great diversity, tolerance, and the key to it all, equality of opportunity, here ... No one gives a **** about race, religion, national origin here, and I see a lot of "celebration" of diversity in a good way ... thanksgiving parade, Christmas parade, Hanukkah parade - 3,separate events -all happened in the past 2 weeks here, something my town looks forward to every year and everyone pretty much cross-participates.

People are here because they worked hard to get here. I don't see any kind of barriers to being here except for lack of trying. Funny, I have to deal with all classes and kinds of people in my job ... The ones who ***** and moan about how rough they have it and how mistreated they are seem to have brought it on themselves ... Not from lack of equality of opportunity, but by failure to take advantage of the opportunities they have ... Prime example .., one of my trust beneficiary vultures ... drug addict trailer trash dissatisfied with what the trust grantor decided would be appropriate, basic living expenses, medical care etc - told the loser a thousand times ... You want more, get a job.., never gonna happen, would rather spend his grocery allotment on cheap booze and drugs and refuses any suggestion that his behavior is real the problem.

"Here" is a great place to be, other than some seriously ****ed up winter weather from time to time.

I don't feel any guilt about who I am. If you're gonna feel guilt about anything ... Feel it about things you've done that were wrong ... Not who you are by race and gender, which is beyond anyone's control. Well ... Unless you want them to cut off your junk and turn you into a she-male ... God save us all!