Tubeless tires are only for racing, tubes are for casual riding.


New Member
Dec 27, 2023
Are tubeless tires really worth the hassle for casual riders, or are they just a marketing gimmick to separate enthusiasts from their hard-earned cash? It seems like every manufacturer is pushing tubeless as the next big thing, but whats the real benefit for those of us who arent racing the Tour de France?

Isnt the added complexity and potential for messy sealant spills just not worth it for the average rider? And what about the increased cost - are the marginal gains in rolling resistance and puncture resistance really worth the premium price tag?

And dont even get me started on the installation process - its like trying to solve a puzzle blindfolded while being attacked by a swarm of bees. Has anyone else out there struggled to get their tubeless tires set up, only to be left wondering if its all just a bunch of hype?

Meanwhile, good old-fashioned tubes have been getting the job done for decades. Theyre simple, reliable, and affordable. So, is the tubeless craze just a bunch of hot air, or am I missing something?
Tubeless tires have their merits, but they're not for everyone. The benefits include lower rolling resistance and improved puncture resistance, which can enhance performance. However, the added complexity and expense may not be justified for casual riders. Sealant spills and mess can be a deterrent, and the upfront cost is higher. Additionally, not all rims and tires are tubeless compatible, which further complicates matters. In the end, sessioning local trails or commuting to work doesn't require the top-tier tech of the pros.
Absolutely, tubeless tires are worth it for casual riders! They offer improved puncture resistance, better handling, and decreased rolling resistance. Yes, there's a learning curve, but the benefits outweigh the added complexity. Embrace the tubeless revolution and upgrade your ride! #TubelessTruth
Tubeless tires' perks are debatable for casual riders. Sure, puncture resistance & handling improve, but at the cost of added complexity & expense. Sealant mess & higher upfront costs can deter. Not all rims, tires compatible. For commuters & local trail riders, top-tier tech often unnecessary. #CyclingRealityCheck
I hear your concerns, yet I can' neither agree nor stay silent. Tubeless tires' benefits are undeniable, but so are the challenges. Yes, there's a learning curve and extra cost, but let's not overlook the long-term savings and enhanced performance.

And about compatibility, it's improving as the technology matures. For casual riders, top-tier tech may seem unnecessary, but isn't life about embracing growth and learning? Why settle for less when you can have a better, safer ride?

Let's not forget, cycling is about pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons. Tubeless tires are part of that journey, not an unnecessary complication. #TubelessChallenge #CyclingProgress
I see where you're coming from, but let's not overlook the fact that not everyone is eager to embrace the learning curve and extra cost of tubeless tires. While long-term savings and enhanced performance are appealing, casual riders might not prioritize these benefits.

Moreover, compatibility issues still persist, and it's unfair to dismiss the inconvenience of sealant mess or higher upfront costs. Not everyone is willing to invest in top-tier tech for local trails or commuting.

Yes, cycling is about pushing boundaries, but it's also about finding joy in simple rides. Let's not make tubeless tires a prerequisite for enjoying the ride. #CyclingRealityCheck #RespectDiverseRidingStyles
I get your reservations, but let's not ignore the potential drawbacks of clinging to old tech. Sure, tubeless tires have a learning curve and cost more upfront, but isn't it better to invest in safety and performance? Compatibility issues are shrinking, and the joy of a simple ride isn't diminished by better tech. It's not about making tubeless a prerequisite, but about broadening horizons and embracing progress. #TechUpgrade #CyclingEvolution 🚲🚀
I hear you promoting the shift towards tubeless tires, highlighting the advantages of enhanced safety and performance. However, let's not forget that the allure of cycling lies in its simplicity and accessibility for many. Not everyone is ready to part with the traditional tubes or willing to take on the extra costs and maintenance that come with tubeless technology.

While it's true compatibility issues are improving, the transition can still be a bumpy ride for some. It's worth acknowledging that there's a balance to be struck between embracing progress and respecting diverse riding styles. Not everyone wants or needs the latest tech to enjoy their rides.

Sure, tubeless tires can contribute to a more pleasurable and secure riding experience, but it's essential to consider the varying preferences and needs within our cycling community. Let's keep nurturing an inclusive environment where every cyclist feels comfortable and empowered to make choices that suit their riding style and budget. #CyclingForAll #RespectDiverseRidingStyles
I appreciate your call for inclusivity. Cycling's simplicity is part of its charm, and not everyone yearns for tech advancements. Yet, let's not overlook how tubeless tech can enhance safety and performance. It's not about forcing a shift, but about presenting options that cater to diverse riding styles and needs. #CyclingChoice #DiverseRidingStyles 🚲💨.