Unicycling Footage



Hey Hey Hey!! It's that time again!

I am going to film the last few shots for my video and then
patiently wait for the people who said they'd send me
footage to do so. But meanwhile, if anyone wants to send me
footage of themselves unicycling to go in a free video that
will be publicly released including such greats as ME, Mike
Middleton, David Poznanter, Bevan Gerber-Siff, The Hell On
Wheel Gang, Dan Heaton, Scott Bond, Kris Hellen, Jeff
Groves, Sabin (the man with only a first name!), The New
York Unicycle Club, and smaller appearances by Ryan Atkins,
Ben PS, Joey Cohn, and many others (including a possible
appearance by JESS RIEGEL HIMSELF!!), then feel the freedom
to respond and then in turn receive a response from me,
followed by subsequent communication, up until the final
sending of the footage itself. I'm looking for raw footage
on a Mini DV tape. And while I realize this attempt to
coerse you into giving me your precious talent is futile, I
proceed nonetheless.

By the way, if you want a copy of this video when it's done,
which I'll charge you shipping for and that's all, you might
as well talk about it here so I get an idea of how many
people I'm going to be sending videos to.

Thanks for your time, Zachary

zach_jucha - Not here

-Don't ask me why I said it, because I already forgot.-

- Homestar
zach_jucha's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4072
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32553
how much is shipping? tho im almost guaranteed to buy... :)



The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety
labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
tennisgh22's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5771
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I'm happy to send in some bits and pieces from what I've
filmed if you want it, although with all those amazing
riders I don't expect you to. I'd love a copy either way.
Please let us know how the editing is coming along every
now and then. If you do want me to send in something, is
MiniDV the only option or would uncompressed .avi files on
CD be okay?

I think it's great that you're making this free...very


andrew_carter - www.unicycles.com.au

andrew_carter (at) mail (dot) com
New photos added 11/04 - http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/albuu61
andrew_carter's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/1052
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Welcome back Zach! How was the tour? Sorry you couldn't get
more footage of the gang, I'll see if they're willing to
part with some footage we already got (Houston's making us
our own DVD). I'll definately be purchasing your video.

hell-on-wheel - My karma ran over your dogma

On the other hand, you have different fingers. - Steven Wright
hell-on-wheel's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3425
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I'd send in my footage, but my friend is lazy and won't
upload the film from his camera.... So I haven't seen stuff
from two weeks ago yet.

But I would be interested in buying it. Is this the movie
for that Fake Trailer?

James_Potter - Rettop_Semaj

-If there was an eleventh commandment, it is to be "thou shalt dip thy
pizza, for it is, wicked."-
James_Potter's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3807
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All my footage is on my friend's comp. And his comp is in
France at the moment. It's not all that good anyway. What
format is the final video goign to be? I'd like to get a
copy if it's DVD.


daino149 - How's it going, Texas?

Check out my pics: www.unicyclist.com/gallery/daino
Sig count: 2
04.05.14 10636
04.05.15 10772
04.05.16 10861
daino149's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/933
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I would definitley like a copy, I would like to send some
footage in also, ecept i use an analog camera then treansfer
it into my comp using this dazzle thing, does anyone know
how I could transfer it onto a mini dv tape, because i know
someone that has a mini dv camera so could i try transfering
it camera to camera?


uniextreme - Funkadelic Unicyclist

http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/albuw09 New stuff recently added

Scars are tatoos with better stories
uniextreme's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4708
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tennisgh22: Inqueries of the postal nature I can not
answer at this juncture. However, I will send out some
videos to people without the charge of shipping: friends,
family, people in the video, etc. before I start sending
out videos to everyone and I'll probably be able to
estimate a general charge.

Andrew: MiniDV is preferable, but whatever you can send is
fine. I will be using Final Cut to edit which I've never
used before and I don't know what kind of files it will
import. If it can't import .avi files then VHS will have to
do! If even that's possible..?

Frank my good sir, how are you? The tour was magnificent. If
possible, please send some more footage or tell me you're
not so I can stop bugging you. You have my address right?

darchibald: I hope to start the editing process by the end
of next month but if I'm not practiced by then... the month
after that.

James: Yes it's the video from the trailer. For those who
haven't seen it I'll spam you with it again! Muahahaha!!!


Oh, and email me so I can give you my address so I can get
some footage from you. (my name, zach not zachary,

daino149: It will be in DVD and some in VHS for those not
technologically advanced enough.

Well, who else will reply!? -STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT

(check out my signature! truly, a signature forged from 4
months road-type experience.)

zach_jucha - back

-Don't ask me why I said it, because I already forgot.-

- Homestar

-I think I see way more penises then I should.-

- Dan Heaton

-God didn't give him brains but he sure gave him talent.-

- Kris Holm's friend Chris as Kris did a huge drop
zach_jucha's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4072
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32553
Egads! I left out a poster!! Well Brian, you can just put
your analogue footage on a VHS tape and send it to me, which
is and will remain, acceptable in cases like yours.

zach_jucha - back

-Don't ask me why I said it, because I already forgot.-

- Homestar

-I think I see way more penises then I should.-

- Dan Heaton

-God didn't give him brains but he sure gave him talent.-

- Kris Holm's friend Chris as Kris did a huge drop
zach_jucha's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4072
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32553
Surely Final Cut will be able to import .avi files if
Windows Movie Maker (which is free) can. I'd have thought it
would be easier for you to import footage from uncompressed
.avi files than from MiniDV tape. I'll try to get it on
MiniDV anyway. What sort of riding do you want me to send?
There's a lot to choose from because I've been doing lots of
filming lately.


andrew_carter - www.unicycles.com.au

andrew_carter (at) mail (dot) com
New photos added 11/04 - http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/albuu61
andrew_carter's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/1052
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32553
Me wants one! Along with Mike! He has some additional video
(of spots we never hit when you were there) of us on his
camcorder, I'll try to get him to send some of it in. I'm
also soon to get my digital camera, which can do low-quality
video. If it turns out to be high enough resolution, I'll
try to send it in. What kind of music will you be using?

Also, when's the deadline for video? Mike and I could
possibly get some more filming in soon. We hit the Berkeley
campus, and it rocked. Some great stuff for video (or not so
great, but whatever).

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
gerblefranklin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4295
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Hey Zack, it was pretty weird (and neat!) bumping into you
and Kris. Too bad I wasn't free on the Monday it would have
been great to see you ride but since I wasn't I guess I'll
have to wait for the video to come out =) .... I'm
definately intersted in a copy..

JamesH - Back into the swing of things
JamesH's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4438
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Hey zach,

> Sabin (the man with only a first name!)

Sorry I forgot to tell you, my last name is Arditty. Its is
said like, "RDT". :)

I will try to get you some footage. I should have some good
footage towards the beggining of Summer. (just to give you a
heads up) I will keep you updated on AOL. Looking forward to
how this video will turn out


sabin_a. - close to expert

"Is it possible to microwave a burrito so hot that god himself could not
eat it?"

'SIXSIXONE' (www.sixsixone.com)

sabin_a.'s Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4457
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32553
I'll be making a uni video with some of the people in my
area this Summer. It won't be my first experiance with
filming and editing (me and my friends love to make stupid
movies where we make fun of anything) but it will be my
first experiance making a uni video. Any pointers?

Worminton - Fo Scnitzel

I will kill the next person that says "Hey where's the other wheel!"
Worminton's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5568
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Also looking for pointers. My mom just announced shes
gonna buy a digital camcorder, and I can't wait to make a
video. Although I'm not sure how. Thus all pointers and
tips are welcome.


darchibald - Unofficial level 3.9

"Testacles still intact" ~ My mom's reaction after watching me do a
suicide mount.
darchibald's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6240
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