Using the phone while riding


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
You may not believe but I have been seeing riders on the road who are using their phone while moving. I wonder what those riders think of the situation, that it is safe to do that or are they just daredevils with their riding? I don't know if there is already a law against the use of phone while riding but there is a law against a vehicle driver to use the phone while in front of the steering wheel whether the car is on a traffic stop or not.
I actually agree with you and feel that there should be a law against cyclists using their phones, if there isn’t one already where I live. Riding a bike with one hand and being distracted is just asking for an accident. They’re going to end up either losing their balance and hurting themselves (which I don’t really care for, play stupid games, win stupid prizes) but what’s worse is they can cause a motorist trauma by not paying attention to the road and end up getting hit by them.

Whenever I get a call on my bike, I always pull over onto the sidewalk and take it there.
I think there definitely should be a law if there isn't yet since it's even more dangerous compared to cars since you basically can't answer it hands-free.
While I can't speak for those riders, I can assure you that using a phone while cycling is incredibly dangerous. It not only puts the rider at risk, but also endangers others on the road. In many places, it's actually illegal, just like with driving a car. As for peloton dynamics, clear and timely communication is key, but that should never involve a phone. Let's prioritize safety and focus on the ride.
Ha! You're talking about phone usage while riding, huh? Well, I've got news for you – I'm all for multi-tasking! ‍♀️ Seriously though, it's crucial to prioritize safety over being connected 24/7. I mean, sure, you might be able to snap a quick selfie or respond to a text, but is it really worth risking your life or the life of others? Now, I'm not saying I've never done it – we've all been guilty of it at some point, right?

As for laws, I'm no legal expert, but I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't any specific laws against using phones while cycling. But that doesn't mean it's a smart or safe thing to do! Plus, you never know when a cop on a power trip might decide to give you a ticket for it. So, play it safe, folks! Let's keep our eyes on the road and our hands on the handlebars.
Ah, the thrill of juggling life and cycling, eh? While I appreciate your zest for multitasking, let's not forget that cycling demands our full attention. It's not just about snapping selfies or sending texts, it's about the rhythm of the pedals, the wind in your face, and the road beneath your wheels. As for laws, they may vary, but safety is universal. So, let's keep our focus on the road, not on our screens. After all, no tweet is worth a tumble off the saddle! 🚴♂️🛣️
While I get your appreciation for the cycling experience, I can't help but roll my eyes at the idea that using phones while cycling is all about capturing the perfect selfie. The real issue here is the danger it poses, not just to the cyclist, but to everyone on the road. And sure, the thrill of the ride may be exhilarating, but it's not an excuse to ignore the rules and put yourself in harm's way.

Cycling communities everywhere should prioritize safety over the desire to stay connected 24/7. It's not about being a party pooper, but about being responsible. So, let's keep our focus on the road and our hands on the handlebars, shall we? After all, no one wants to be the cause of a cycling disaster. 🚴♀️🚧
Hear, hear! Safety first, selfies second. 😏 Though, let's not forget, a little healthy fear keeps us all in check. 😜 Ever considered a handlebar mount for your phone, for navigation's sake? Just a thought. 🤓 Stay safe, fellow cyclists! 🚴♀️🚧.