Which Type Of Woman Is Your Girlfriend?


New Member
Jul 30, 2003
HARD-DISK woman: She remembers everything, FOREVER.
RAM woman: She forgets about you the moment you turn her off.

WINDOWS woman: Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL woman: They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for
your four basic needs.

SCREENSAVER woman: She is good for notjing but at least she is fun!

INTERNET woman: Difficult to access. // Everybody will access!!

SERVER woman: Always busy when you need her.

MULTIMEDIA woman: She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM woman: She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL woman: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

VIRUS woman: Also known as "wife"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything
CPU FAN WOMAN - she blows well
TROJAN HORSE WOMAN Lets you in the back door
Java woman -write once run anywhere i.e platform independent.
treat a girl like a SCREENSAVER until she graduates to EXCEL. Dealt with a few WINDOWS & HARD DISKS. Luckily you will be able to dodge all VIRUSES. INTERNETS get used like they are (to get free shyt). Every girl you’ve encountered has been an EMAIL.
Hey! I've been telling people about this hilarious toilet humour article at this online magazine that I know, but this one reminds me of an article about the different sorts of relationships from the same magazine. Wow, it must have really stuck in my head. It's not a joke article, but if you want some cool advice about relationships, I'd say it's worthwhile:


Later, Raul Jenkins.
Substitue Boyfriend for Girlfriend in any of those types... another:
APPLE girlfriend/boyfriend; low-maintenance, always looks great and does what you want, but you just never know what's going on behind the pretty face
Interesting analysis, but not exactly. Virus also known as "you are not serious boyfriend husband material..." Sad that some people operate this way like a disease. But pretty much how it is described here is how it works.
"Difficult to access/everyone will access...." not really I can't say I agree with that. If someone is difficult to access I believe that this is called a challenge. It might be a delusion to think that someone like this is allowing so many others access.
It is sort of funny to compare the computer lingo to someone you are involved with. A virus doesn't come with a warning but once you've had one certainly you pay attention. I think it would be interesting to see these two together. You know a woman virus and a man virus. They would never uninstall each other but always drive the other away by thinking they were or make it occur through their delusions. Interesting lab experiment...it's like they have a few chips missing in their brain. Always thinking someone doesn't want them and that they won't stay. Essentially they are their own virus.