Are Nukes Inevitable


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2003
Given that world peace seems years away, if ever, with some factions widening I was wondering what and if anyone had thought about the possibility of Nuclear Conflict.
Do you think it will happen? Will it be limited and if so where? Do you think it will be global with untold loss of life and who if anyone will survive.
Please don't take this in a negative context but being a child of the sixties I grew up with this fear for years and I know it is difficult to be non-bias put try to be objective in your comments.
As for the pure cyclist. How would Nuclear War would effect your training?
And yes I know Bush can't pronounce Nuclear correctly.
I hope I covered most questions now please comment.
I remember duck and cover drills. :eek:

I think they are inevitable because they are everywhere. I don't think it'll be global armageddon however.

Also the American forces are prepared for "battlefield" uses of them so if we get into it with N. Korea for example, expect 'em.

How it affects my training depends on which way the wind is blowing :(
nuclear conflict. that would be terrible. i doubt it will happen though. India and Pakistan have better relations right now. North Korea... that's probably the bigget threat, but they wouldn't innitiate war withouit support from china and china will lean more to the side of the US. hmm, who knows what is going to happen. if it does, then the world is doomed. considering WW1 was smaller then WW2, we can safely say that WW3 is going to destry us all :(

bloody politicians!
Ottis said:
nuclear conflict. that would be terrible. i doubt it will happen though. India and Pakistan have better relations right now. North Korea... that's probably the bigget threat, but they wouldn't innitiate war withouit support from china and china will lean more to the side of the US. hmm, who knows what is going to happen. if it does, then the world is doomed. considering WW1 was smaller then WW2, we can safely say that WW3 is going to destry us all :(

bloody politicians!

One reason I am so aware is that I live very close to Oak Ridge Tn where parts of the first two bombs were made and parts are still maufactured. "Prime Target"
Duck and cover, we used to have a joke " In case of Nuclear attack duck put your head between your legs and kiss your A** goodbye.
I lived through the Cuban Missle Crisis which made me very aware of what could happen and almost did.
I went to bed at night not knowing if I would ever wake up. That is hard on the mental stability of a 5th grader.
I am very aware that Israel has "Nuke Capabilities"
I hope no one has the "Sodium Cobalt Bomb" nasty stuff.