Re: horror stories in mercury testing and detoxification

  • Thread starter Joel M. Eichen D.D.S.
  • Start date


Joel M. Eichen D.D.S.

On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 12:19:42 GMT, Steven Fawks
<[email protected]> wrote:

>I don't have any first hand reports on mercury because no one I know has
>ever claimed mercury poisoning to be their 'disease'. Around here, I
>guess its easier to let the chiropractor deal with the illnesses that
>the MD can't help <G>.


Around here they are thick as flies ..........
>I do have a patient that has had trigeminal neuralgia for years. He
>eventually had 4 teeth extracted and 'nico' treatment. All that went
>away was a lot of money plus the four teeth (IOW he still has the same
>When the anti-mercury crowd and the nico crowd run together, it makes me
>think they are both equally flawed.
>> Please refrain from posting generic party line articles, I want to hear
>> specific incidents.
>> Thank you,
>> qborba

Joel M. Eichen, .
Philadelphia PA

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