OT: Mark one up for the good guys



Congress OKs Gun Industry Lawsuit Shield

By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Congress gave the gun lobby its top legislative priority
Thursday, passing a bill protecting the firearms industry from massive
crime-victim lawsuits. President Bush said he will sign it.

"Our laws should punish criminals who use guns to commit crimes, not
law-abiding manufacturers of lawful products," Bush said in a statement.

The House voted 283-144 to send the bill to the president after
supporters, led by the National Rifle Association, proclaimed it vital
to protect the industry from being bankrupted by huge jury awards.
Opponents, waging a tough battle against growing public support for the
legislation, called it proof of the gun lobby's power over the
Republican-controlled Congress.

"This legislation will make the unregulated gun industry the most
pampered industry in America," said Kristen Rand, director of the
Violence Policy Center.

Under the measure, a half-dozen pending lawsuits by local governments
against the industry would be dismissed. Anti-gun groups say some
lawsuits filed by individuals could be thrown out, too.

The Senate passed the bill in July.

The bill's passage was the NRA's top legislative priority and would give
Bush and his Republican allies on Capitol Hill a rare victory at a time
when some top GOP leaders are under indictment or investigation.

"Lawsuits seeking to hold the firearms industry responsible for the
criminal and unlawful use of its products are brazen attempts to
accomplish through litigation what has not been achieved by legislation
and the democratic process," House Judiciary Committee Chairman James
Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., told his colleagues.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, did not vote. He is in
Texas in connection with his indictment in an alleged scheme to violate
state election law.

Propelled by GOP election gains and the incidents of lawlessness
associated with the passing of Hurricane Katrina, support for the bill
has grown since a similar measure passed the House last year and was
killed in the Senate.

Horrific images of people without the protection of public safety in New
Orleans made a particular impression on viewers who had never before
felt unsafe, according to the gun lobby.

"Americans saw a complete collapse of the government's ability to
protect them," said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president.

"That burnt in, those pictures of people standing there defending their
lives and defending their property and their family," he added, "where
the one source of comfort was a firearm."

With support from four new Republicans this session of Congress, the
bill passed the Senate for the first time in July. House passage never
was in doubt because it had 257 co-sponsors, far more than the 218
needed to pass.

The bill's authors say it still would allow civil suits against
individual parties who have been found guilty of criminal wrongdoing by
the courts.

Opponents say the strength of the bill's support is testament to the
influence of the gun lobby. If the bill had been law when the relatives
of six victims of convicted Washington-area snipers John Allen Muhammad
and Lee Boyd Malvo sued the gun dealer from which they obtained their
rifle, the dealer would not have agreed to pay the families and victims
$2.5 million.

"It is shameful that Republicans in Congress are pushing legislation
that guarantees their gun-dealing cronies receive special treatment and
are above the law," said Rep. Robert Wexler (news, bio, voting record),

Bush has said he supports the bill, which would prohibit lawsuits
against the firearms industry for damages resulting from the unlawful
use of a firearm or ammunition. Gun makers and dealers still would be
subject to product liability, negligence or breach of contract suits,
the bill's authors say.

Democrats and Republicans alike court the NRA at election time, and the
bill has garnered bipartisan support. But the firearms industry still
gave 88 percent of its campaign contributions, or $1.2 million, to
Republicans in the 2004 election cycle.

Gun control advocates, meanwhile, gave 98 percent of their
contributions, or $93,700, to Democrats that cycle, according to the
Center for Responsive Politics.


The bill is S. 397.

Will Brink @ http://www.brinkzone.com/
WillBrink wrote:

> "Our laws should punish criminals who use guns to commit crimes, not
> law-abiding manufacturers of lawful products," Bush said in a statement.

I agree with bu$h, and would like to see him
prosecuted for his war crimes.




"You're doin' a heckuva job, Brownie!" - bu$h, a few days
before his FEMA chief, Micheal Brown was forced to resign
because of his gross incomptence.

"The tools that enable Cuba save lives and preserve
human dignity during hurricanes are socialist values
and organization." - Dr. W.T. Whitney Jr

Ever wonder who benefits from the 150 MILLION
U.S. taxpayer dollars spent each DAY in Iraq?

"They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
warfare or morality."
-bu$h describing his own war crimes in Iraq.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
that matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them. And then
he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did."
-- George W. Bush

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the
will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the
Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
-- Adolf ******

"Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
-Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

George W. Bush: "Intelligence gathered by this and other
governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues
to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever
devised." March 17, 2003.


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
to the American public."
-- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
-- Al Franken

Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
"WillBrink" wrote

<snip some good news>

All the whiners and complainers. When are they going to get a life?

Can you imagine any other industry that is being targeted for exinction in
the same fashion? You would think that they should be proud that a few
products are still made in good old USA. But nooooo..............., they
are trying to drive them out of biz too. At one time the firearms industry
was one of the primary manufacturing and engineering businesses in a young
nation. And now the liberal folks wanna make us all victims and drive out
more industry.

I wonder what these pampered whners would think if their luxuries were
threatened in any way. They would probably approve of genocide at that point
in time. (Itz eeez a joke dally)
Lee Michaels wrote:

> "WillBrink" wrote
> <snip some good news>
> All the whiners and complainers. When are they going to get a life?
> Can you imagine any other industry that is being targeted for exinction in
> the same fashion?

Recreational pharmaceuticals, noise suppressors, full-auto, Really Fast Cars,
personal aviation....